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April 29, 2008 at 5:33am
April 29, 2008 at 5:33am
It rained hard all night. When I opened my eyes at 3:30 am, I could hear the wind slamming rain drops against the window. Surely the drops let out a tiny scream as they splattered and shattered into a million smaller drops, only to run down the window and like a magnet they found each other and formed into a larger body of water again.

I sometimes think earth is like that.....we start out as one and as we are slammed to earth we split off and meander through life looking for our wholeness. Eventually we pass and our spirits leave earth and merge again into one entity.

I can vision the tiny drops frantically searching for their former self all the while knowing that they could again be picked up by the storm and split even more.
Isn't that sort of relevant? Perhaps we can learn a lesson from them.

The little rain drops never give up. They either flow and search until they find others to merge with thus creating a large and stronger body or they evaporate and their soul is sent to the heavens where they meet with other souls and as they grow in size, they become rain drops again and flow back to earth to begin the cycle all over again.

They never complain and never give up. They know there is a greater purpose and accept their fate......should we follow their lead? Shouldn't we trust in a greater purpose? Shouldn't we never give up and keep moving toward the common ground?

I think where ever that is, it is the place we will find all our lost friends. We will merge with them and become part of a larger stronger rain drop........

It doesn't matter wether you believe in God, aliens, the force or nothing, you still have to admit that something greater than us is involved. If our meager existance on this earth is all there is...forever......than someone is playing a huge joke on us all....there has to be a larger connection...because if you don't believe there is then why waste your time?

I love listening to the rain...perhaps it is because it causes me to believe there is a purpose to everything...with out rain we would not survive...but too much rain and we would perish.....I remember a song like that.......extra oxygen makes us high, but too much and we die...........isn't that true about everything?

Isn't it amazing that there is just enough oxygen here for us to live? Isn't it odd that the right amount of oxygen mixes with just the right amount of hydrogen to make water...I mean exactally the right amount in every rain drop?
April 28, 2008 at 5:58am
April 28, 2008 at 5:58am
It is funny how many people say that....."One of these days I will......" Sometimes we spend so much time wishing that we don't "do"

Yeah, I find myself doing that too....one of these days I will visit that special vacation spot, one of these days I will learn how to relax and enjoy life.

Well isn't today..one of these days? I think we get so busy thinking of the future that we forget to life for today.

The next time you find yourself saying .."one of these days"......decide to at least plan something for today..then find time to enjoy it.

It is much harder than you think....I don't want to wake up some day an old man and telling people about how I was planning on doing that someday, but never got around to it....how horrible would life be if there were no memories of the good times only wishful thinking?

Problem is, we don't know what the good times really are until we are thinking back on prior events. That is why we need to pay attention today and everyday....because these are the memories!
April 25, 2008 at 5:16am
April 25, 2008 at 5:16am
I heard this morning that 13 (so called witches) were arrested in Africa for shrinking or removing men's penises. What? That is crazy........first of all why would they want to do that? Did the men intimidate them? Were the witches all female?

The report said that they would chant something and touch the penis causing it to shrink or disappear.......What...disappear? This is so crazy and they could make so much money by chanting a growing brew and giving the guys something to be proud of!!

Seriously though, what would these witches gain by shrinking penises? Well come to find out, they didn't really shrink them, the implanted some thought in the brain similar to anorexia (sp?) that caused the men to think they had shrunk....yeah when they looked at themselves or in the mirror, the brain saw tiny little stubs (I guess)

I think I will look into that process....if I could plant some message to make people think I was ....well .....BIG ........ it would be a lot less embarrassing...you know?

I guess if I learned to be a witch though, I would think of much more useful things to cast a spell about......I would love to make my car think it had a full tank of gas all the time....that would be useful....

Also I could cast a spell to have people let me jump in front of them when there is a long line...or just do my things for me and I don't have to get in line......hey.....I wonder if some of those people that try out for American Idol have been under a spell? So many of them really think they are great singers when they can't even carry a note.........

I think there are a lot more witches around than people think .......... I must know one cause when I look in a mirror........well I'll never tell!!!
April 24, 2008 at 4:49am
April 24, 2008 at 4:49am
Isn't it strange how our moods and views can change with drop ...or rise ..of the sun?

What is it about tomorrow? Why do things look diffent and our prospectives change? Just because we rested? Perhaps it is because we stop harping on the same subject long enough to look at it in a fresh way.

Seems odd to me.....the things that bother me one day do not affect me the next...why is that?

About a month ago our van broke down. My wife was on her way to work and it just died. It was very early and cold, I worried about her sitting there and it took triple A 2 hours to get there and tow it.

When I got home, It would not start and I figured the fuel pump was gone. Well it was quite stressfull and because I was busy and we were getting ready for our vacation, I didn't work on it.

Well after vacation, I went out to push the van into the garage and work on it and just for the heck of it I tried starting it.....it started right up......what the hay!!!!
So I drove it into the garage it sat there until last night. I probably went out and started it 5 or 6 times since I put it in the garage and it started right up.

So last night my wife was going down to the store and I figured I would go and take the van. I knew I was taking a chance .....but hey...life is full of events right?
The damn thing died right as I turned into the store and would not start.....I looked at my wife and cracked up....that's right I was laughing a storm!

How could you not laugh? The stupid van starts no problem and allows me to get miles away from the house before it decides to quite.....you think it could have quit in the driveway? No....it waited......

The funny thing is, there was no stess......it was actually quite funny....I called a tow truck and my daughter picked me up. The tow guys say's "you feel ok leaving the keys in it?" HAHAHA...the damn thing won't run!! What is someone going to do....make believe they are steeling it?

So it got towed back and now I guess I will work on it......but the situation was so different.....why? It was still an inconvienence but my mind did not allow it to stress me....why can't we do that all the time? Just shrug off the probelm and continue enjoying life?

Oh........anyone want to buy a good van? It is in excellent shape.....well except it won't start!!!! HHEEEEHEE!!!
April 21, 2008 at 6:01am
April 21, 2008 at 6:01am
Sat 4/19/08

I spent all morning looking for my Redsox tickets! I remembered putting them in a safe place....and boy did I! I finally broke down and drove to work...just in case I brought them there.....well there they were and I was some relieved as I already bought the train tickets and only had two hours left before we had to leave.

I had planned to do my long run this morning but that was shot to hell because of my ability to hide things really well! I did get in a "pit loop" run and a good cooldown so I wasn't completely dissapointed. I will have to do my long x-country run tomorrow.

The train ride to Boston was really nice. It was our first time on the train and it sure was more relaxing than driving. We met my Son and went to this great place for lunch...they brew their own beer abd I got to sample a good variety of brew along with my roasted chicken/cheddar/bacon sandwitch.

From there it was a tightly packed T ride to Kenmore and an easy 5 minute walk or so to Fenway. There were so many people.....I started worrying about the return trip....The train leaves at 11:15 and with all these people.....well could be a long night!

The game was Great!! Of course the Sox won and that was good as they did not have to play the last 1/2 inning.......problem was the crowd was massive and it seemed like we didn't move for hours.....finally made it to the subway and I was so glad to get on and head back to North Station.

My happiness was short lived as the T kept shutting down...when that happened the lights would go out and everyone was pissed....finally after shutting down three times in the middle of nowhere....the conducter announced that we would not be going to North Station and everyone was getting out at Park street....only about half way there.

After getting out we fought the crowds and finally got on a car heading to North Station. I am now full of knowledge ....a full car of drunk people and a well delivered fart does not make a fun party....to top it off, it was a girl and she was damn proud..I now know first hand what a Sardine feels like! We got off the T at 11:05......it was a mad dash to the train station....and my wife said she couldn't run.......she proved herself wrong....anyway to our glee....the train was still sitting there....we jumped on and in seconds it was moving....sure glad they didn't play the last half inning!!!!

Didn't get home untill 2AM....damn tired and only looking for my bed!!!!

April 16, 2008 at 4:48am
April 16, 2008 at 4:48am
I am going to a truck show today and tomorrow. I am spearheading our exibit. We have crane trucks in an outside booth and a display inside. I ahve been doing this show for many years and even though the turn out sometimes is low, I do enjoy getting out there.

The change of pace is good and I get to meet many customers face to face..The guys at work fight over who gets to go with me. I feel like a God for the few minutes it takes me to decide.....problem is some faces are happy and others are sad.......can't please everyone!!!!

One of the guys I picked this year has never gone and he is pretty excited.....wait till he finds out how boring and long the day can be.......HEHE
April 15, 2008 at 5:44am
April 15, 2008 at 5:44am
When I was younger...well much younger, I was a hippie........Yeah, seems strange to me too.

I went to concerts in the middle of a field in some place that had no meaning until
the outside world was shut out and the bands started playing. Suddenly the problems of the world vanished as if they were chased away by each puff of smoke.

The thing I remember most is the sense of belonging and the unspoken fact that we all were making life better by waving our arms to the beat of the music and singing songs of peace. We became one in a way......

It felt so right...too bad that approach doesn't work...too bad the rest of the people of the world didn't join in.......too bad they couldn't listen to Bob Dylan and learn to love everyone else...unconditionally.......

In the real world, this just doesn't work because the greedy people that want all the money and all the power will never join in.....never. At least I can say I am not one of those even if I can't turn back time and head for the open field with all my friends.

I do miss that peaceful feeling.......

April 14, 2008 at 8:02am
April 14, 2008 at 8:02am
My brother in-law is an alcoholic.......He doesn't admit it ..of course. Last week he went into the hospital because he couldn't breath. They put him on oxygen and he signed a "do not recessitate" form.

They said his problems stems from his drinking and offer all kinds of help to him. He refused everything and then checked himself out of the hospital. There was a party at his friends Friday night and he didn't want to miss it.

My wife went down (three hours away) to see him as she was worried. Well he picked up his bag of prescriptions and took off. The next morning he was home (he lives with their mom) and had no idea how he got home or where his vehicle was.

My wife gave him a ride to his friends and the vehicle was there. As she followed him back, he was swirving all over the place. She would not have let him drive if she knew ha was that bad off. anyway when they got home she told him he should rest as his driving was so bad. He said it was the medications.

Later that afternoon, he took off (they were gone to the store) and ended up getting arrested after hitting a curb.....the cop said he was "toasted" and had an open container in the vehicle.

He called from jail and said he needed $1000.00 to get bailed out. This is not his first offence. Well my wife's other brother in-law said there were guns in his mom's house and her brother claimed he would never be put in jail again...(he did a 6 month term for habitual offender about 10 years ago) and they were worried that he might do something with the gun.

Her brother in-law sugjested that they don't bail him out and let him go to court from jail. My wife called and asked if we could bail him out......I said no that I agreed he should stay.

Well his mother ended up bailing him out and we don't know what is going to happen. My wife called and said she thought she should stay down there. She feels responsible because she took him to get his car and because she didn't read his prescription which said don't drive on this medication and don't mix with alcohol.

I said Hey, the guy is 40 years old he can read and he is the one that took responsibility to drive impaired. I don't see what she will accomplish by staying down there. She was crying and all upset because it was her fault. He refuses to talk to us about his drinking which he feels is not out of control and will not listen to anyone.

I sugjested that she mention to him to try to get re-hab instead of jail. She won't talk to him about it.....so I just can't understand....how can a person not talk to her brother, feel responsible and want to stay there to help when he won't take any help and he blames everyone else for his bad decitions?

Of course this makes her feel even worse because he is letting her take the blame (emotionally) He can't see how this is hurting his own sister and now I have a basket case to deal with.

I feel bad for him, I wish he would take the right steps......but he has to want it or it won't work......How do I convince her that she is not responsible? How do I make her understand that $1000.00 of our money would have been wasted as he would probably go get drunk and not show up for court?

She can't understand how unfair it is for him to let everyone else be responsible for his problems.....he has to take ownership or things will not get better. She is mad at me because I won't help enable him.........

I really hate this.............................................................................now I am the bad guy and her poor brother deserves better than me..... I just don't understand what is wrong with me.....perhaps I should help enable him? ...... I would be glad to help if he admitted his problem and asked me himself for help to get on the right track.....then I would be first in line....

April 12, 2008 at 6:38am
April 12, 2008 at 6:38am
" We all need someone we can lean on.......if you want it ..hey, well you can lean on me.....we all need someone we can dream on...if you want it..hey, well you can dream on me..................take my arm .......and be with with me....."

I think everyone needs that person in their life......someone that will put up with you being....well purely just you. And you will let them be them......

To do that, we have to learn to allow a few impefections and those imperfections create a complete individual that is like no other.......I feel like one of those......

I am so different inside than anyone.......I feel sometimes I have to be careful how much I let out.......I can however accept other people as they are.....yup they don't need to be perfect or change in any way........

I know I feel that way, but does anyone see that in me? Do I send a comforting vibe? One that people believe and accept or is my brain twisted enough to convince me that I am that person?

Perhaps I am like one of those people that try out for American Idol........all their life they thought they could sing and apearantly all the people surrounding them either were tone deaf or lied to them......then when they are told they suck, they are completely shocked.

In disbelief, some will keep trying to sing more as if they can convince the judges they made a mistake, others get mad and swear at the judges.....they really think they can sing.......it seems they must have a rude awakening when they watch the show and realize that they can't carry a note?

Am I one of those people? Perhaps I am not what I vision in my mind. Perhaps I will watch the show back and realize what I really am.....mind boggling huh?
Hey don't worry, I am not thinking bad thoughts, remember, I am Ski......yup Ski...full of questions...some stupid....maybe a few inspiring, but nothing life changing.

I have so many thoughts running through my head at times.....I won't dare to let them all out.....I will save you that..........

Reminds me of another song........"I'm free... free to be...what ever I want........."
April 11, 2008 at 7:57am
April 11, 2008 at 7:57am
Do you remember when you were little and in the coloring books there was always some "connect the dot" pictures? Until you connected the dots, you didn't know what the picture was. After you would color the picture and it looked so complete?

I think that is what life is.......each major event is a dot.....It is not until your life is over that people can connect the dots and see who you really were. That is why so many people did not become famous until they were gone.

The ones that stand out the most are those that have strong convictions and a strong drive. They trudge forward with their beliefs at all cost and many never realize the gold at the end of the rainbow as it doesn't show up until they are finished with their journey.

Because the end is only a vision in our minds, we sometimes wonder if we are on the right track. We question all aspects of what we are doing and possibly other people question our paths also.

The only thing to do is follow your heart, no matter how hard it seems to be and reguardless of how hopless things seem at the time. Just keep making dots.

Anyone got a spare crayon?

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