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by Z.˚rz
Rated: 18+ · Book · Satire · #1093586
New and Improved... but only slightly.
You've been pwn'd by ☡.☠

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February 1, 2010 at 2:46pm
February 1, 2010 at 2:46pm
... end! I did all sorts of stuff like homework, and homework, and even some homework! I am loving life!

Shut up and let me get a word in edgewise will ya!

Have you seen "Spartacus: Blood & Sand"? You haven't let me tell you what you're missing. It's got 300 and Gladiator lines and camera work paste and cut directly into a Skinamax flick. I only watched cause it's free on Netflix... and the Skinamax flick part... but it's really sort of crap.

But remember like last week when you said to me, "Hey Z-Tron-4K, I wonder what Xena Warrior Princess looks like naked..." Remember that? Well wonder no longer, young buck! She get nekkid all up in that piece.

I shouldn't be so surprised that there would be tons of nudity in a period piece ("The Tudors" anyone?), but this is like excessive. Apparently there was no Forever 21 back in the day. Chicks were just nekkid and kosher with it. All of this has me thinking...

... about how to make my time machine doubly quick! Naked chicks! Naked chicks! Ooo-ooo-ooo-there's naked chicks in the past! Skiddle-dee-bop-bop-booooo-b!

Remember the 1960(?) Time Machine with Rod Taylor? At the end, when they find Taylor has returned to the future, his friend asks the maid, "What three books would you take?" I'm asking you the same question.

It's a two parter: PAST or FUTRE and then What three books would you take with you?

Me, I'm going to the past for them nekkid chicks. And I'll take Michio Kaku's "Physics of the Impossible" (just in case I get stuck and need an idea on how to get back), Dr. Phil's "Get Serious About STDs" (cause who knows what history chicks have), and the Bible (KJV)... get the reformation started early! Take that Martin Luther!

... which reminds me, it's Black History Month.

January 29, 2010 at 5:55pm
January 29, 2010 at 5:55pm
... champions of the quill, prophets of the page, you will be missed. Semper fi.

It's cold out, dudes! I am not going out in this, no how, no way... unless it involved hot chicks and free booze, and then it would just be to let everyone know how I morally objected.

This is the second time I've had to write this because the Huffington Post closed my browser... f*Angry**Angry*kers.

So now I've completely lost this balls entry where I solve the Israel/Palestinian issue, fix healthcare, and design an American made car people will actually want. I don't know what to replace it with. In fact, I've sort of lost my will to even make this entry.

Let's do some house cleaning. Firstly, I only have two Super Bowl predictions (thanks to SummerLyn Guthrie & Douger ). This isn't rocket science people, Colts or Saints. You like horses or are you Catholic? Boom, simplicity.

Secondly, some of you are not using "Balls" in your vernacular enough. This is disheartening. We all agreed to use this new piece of slang and now some of you (you know who you are) have turned your back on the tribe. For shame! That behavior is certainly not Balls.

I say good day!
January 28, 2010 at 10:20am
January 28, 2010 at 10:20am
... is stuck for good it seems. *Sad* It will be forced to survive the Martian winter exposed.


What they got to do is spread some kitty litter round the wheels, turn them side to side, go forward and backward, Bob's your uncle, and we're off for a Guinness and a Grouse faster than you can say Jack Robinson.

No one at NASA ever listens to me though. I've been fighting to get Pluto re-planetized, like literally fighting, I mean, I've been punching astronomers and cosmologists in their faces. They never seem to get my point though! I don't know... maybe I'm doing something wrong? Like mathematically... let's run through my equation:

P= (F=ma/dX1) x (R=∑H/dV1)

In other words, my Punch = Force over the first time differential, times Randomnimity over the first velocity differential. I run through this all the time and I can't find a mistake... my punches are mathematically flawless!

Maybe I'm just a man ahead of his time, a man whose Pluto is not meant to be a planet, a man whose scientific punches are yet to be appreciated.

And speaking of learning and science and what not.... I had to go out and find this Snooki bird, no thanks to you guys, and was proper brassed off when I'd found I'd wasted a full day.

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*Laugh* They said skanks!
January 27, 2010 at 12:28am
January 27, 2010 at 12:28am
... WdC... it's your own damned fault... that I have not finished the paper due in class tomorrow! Can your conscience carry the weight of my bad grade!?!

Whatever, you and I both now that you cant hold a genus down. A++ in the bag! I'm going to be get those alot.

So I got "Mass Effect 2"1 today... BALLS, yo! I think it should be abundantly clear how comfortable with my nerdcore self I am. And when I'm not playing this game... I'm probably going to be building a perpetual motion machine. Suck on that one time, frat-brats!

That may have something to do with my paper not being done too, but I like blaming you, cause now I take advantage of your guilt. If anyone has, or knows someone who has, made a Super Bowl prediction in their blog, please bring said blog to my attention. Get your grubby little feelers out there and feel a few blogs up for some predictions... do it for the Zackster!

And finally - I don't trust RAOK. They claim to be random, but they've never sought my input. I founded the very science of randomnimity (and quantum randomnimity) and yet they shun my work! I'm the Tesla to their Edison! The Engels to their Marx!

Just wait till I finish my Unified Random String Theory of Everything! Then they'll have no where to go with their kindness but to hell!

1  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2O-0-fQOOs

January 26, 2010 at 12:14pm
January 26, 2010 at 12:14pm
... all day yesterday to fully appreciate bubble wrap. Now though I feel as if I've reached enlightenment!

Today I was humbled and honored to have received a title that, for many years now, I have been striving to achieve. I think this is an example of how hard work and determination is the ion engine of achieving your American dream.

I was hesitant to mention this, because I thought it might sound like bragging, and I certainly don't want to come off that way. There were many, great competitors vying for this title, and I was just fortunate enough to have been chosen victor.

Yesterday, I, The Zunder from Down Under, was named GHOST DAD'S NUMBER ONE FAN!!!

That's right, I am the number one fan of the family-comedy classic starring Bill Cosby by which all other films are measured! Take that Phylicia Rashad!

What this means for my career here on WdC though is this: my duties as Ghost Dad's number one fan will take up much of my free time. I will be required to go on several Good Will missions, promoting Ghost Dad and there are literally like one annual conferences every year that I will have to attend with world and NGO leaders.

This truly is an amazing day for me, and I'm just glad I could be here to share it with you! Your support of me and my love of Ghost Dad was never ending and for that I am forever grateful. I would tell you that I loved you all, but that would be a lie... I only love Ghost Dad.

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January 25, 2010 at 11:17am
January 25, 2010 at 11:17am
... Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day... WTF kind of holiday is that?

It is also, Robert Burn's Birthday, which means we Scots put on our kilts and drink Scotch to the Highland Bard until we get drunk and vomit. Aye! Go Aberdeen!

So, I recommend a bottle of The Famous Grouse to all those who would play along. Ahhhh.

I have a kilt, for really real. Some of you may not believe me, but some of you who remember the Manifesto Remix when it was a Manifesto Infant, will remember that the masthead here contained a picture of me wearing said kilt. You couldn't tell if I was Braveheart or on my way to first period at Saint Theresa's School for Girls... that's how nice my legs are.

The kilt has been retired though due to what it represents ideologically (i.e. it's not my tartan).

My Scotch ancestors came to the New World in like 17-something, the first Hume here (Immigrant George) taught surveying to George Washington. So all the Scotch in my is about bred out. It'd be more app to call me a 3rd generation Danish-American or German-American... I'll go Danish... no offense Germany, but you know, there were like two wars you started that I just don't need that.

But really, what is any American born individual whose European ancestors came hundreds of years ago? We're all a generic wash of little to no original culture except for TV shows and Levi Jeans... and BUBBLE WRAP APPRECIATION DAY!!! Boom! Let the parades and booze commence!

Who the hell is this Snooki person and why do I even know she exists?
January 24, 2010 at 12:19pm
January 24, 2010 at 12:19pm
... that I have returned alive. Or so Shoichi Yokoi seemed to say...

Your curse words have been noted and prepared for my new book "Cussing Like A Mugga Bubba: The Zacktasticle Art of Swear Modification". I guess I should have noted that you lose your rights to the cuss words when you entered them into my comment box.

That's what makes me balls and you not balls. Or as The Bard once said "to be balls or not to be balls, there's no question, you be balls".

Today is balls for another reason, it's CHAMPIONSHIP SUNDAY!!!! I've got the Vikings over the Saints and the Colts over the Jets.

Those are picks you can take to your bookie and feel safe about your knee-caps with!

Who wants to write me a piece on these playoffs, from either the fan or non-fan perspective (or both) for RESERVOIR BLOGS Who want to do that?
January 23, 2010 at 9:39pm
January 23, 2010 at 9:39pm
...aoodvn-whipledy-doo! That's a robot-sneeze typed out in human speak.

Keep your comments light tonight, I am no in the mood for thoughts with depth. That includes pools, caves and depth of field cinematography.

So it's raining here, right here, where I am now, at this moment, in spatial relation to, or defined in phase space from, your point of view.

Andy Dick was arrested for sexual assault!?! *Shock* Not Andrew Richard! That guy has to be the most well adjusted individual I can think of off the top of me noggin! In fact, just the other day, I says to a friend of mine, I says, "You know, I don't trust that George Stephanopoulos to not sexually assault someone, but Andy Dick... now I like the cut of his gib!"

To be honest... I thought Andy Dick was dead. Here he dressed like a woman dancing in a 2 Skinnee Js vid:

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Let's make up some stand ins for cuss words! I'll start:

Mothera Flogger!

Now it's your turn!
January 21, 2010 at 12:19pm
January 21, 2010 at 12:19pm
... I'm rad.

Today is whacked. It's raining and my umbrella broke! The stem, or umbrellical cord, disassembled! So now I have this really short umbrella... a just God would not have allowed this!

Last night in my religion & the state class I was wearing a Che shirt and was labeled a Marxist... meh. It's all because I couldn't accept the Reformation as the cause of individual credit card debt. THEN, to top things off, all the reading I was bitching about doing... the prof redid the silly-bus so all this reading is really supposed to be done by next week.

Yeah, I'm ahead right? So what! My goal in life is to just break even!

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to blow your mind with some profound Mayan wisdom. This stuff is Balls:

The Mayans believe you die three times; the first is when your breath stops; the second is when you are buried; and the third is when people stop talking about you.

Deep! You just got knocked on your coal mining asses with that!

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January 20, 2010 at 1:15pm
January 20, 2010 at 1:15pm
... turned 52 today, let's take a moment to contemplate that.

Yeah... hmmm... yeah.

Speaking of guys who are all body and no brain, let me tell you what I'm up to these days. I have been reading thousands, if not hundreds, of pages for school. There is so much reading this term, and you all know how I have a problem with adverbs!

What's really hampering my progress is playoff football. That prevents me from reading and doing homework, cause if I don't watch football then someone else will. Harumph!

Natalie & IdaLin each, respectively, independent of the other, of their own free will made references to previous entries here that got me thinking... WdC lacks a credible meme culture. We need our own language and inside jokes that distance us further from normal people.

So I offer you the meme of the month: Balls.

If you're like me sometimes you don't have time to express just how an entry or item "rocked your balls off", but you want the creator to know how much it means to you. From this point on, the simple use of Balls in the comment box will = "rocked my balls off".

Now, to wait a few hours so everyone reads this, and then I'm going to go drop a bunch of balls in your comments.

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