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by Z.˚rz
Rated: 18+ · Book · Satire · #1093586
New and Improved... but only slightly.
You've been pwn'd by ☡.☠

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October 28, 2009 at 1:50pm
October 28, 2009 at 1:50pm
... enegger, you slay me!

So I guess California State Assemblyman Tom Ammiano told Arnold to "kiss his gay ass" once. Now he got his reply via a note that came with a veto on one of Ammiano's bills.


Classic. I can't vote in California, but if I could I doubt I would have ever voted for him. There's something about voting for the star of Kindergarten Cop (as great a movie as it was) that just doesn't sit with me. After this though... well, who are we kidding I still couldn't vote for him.

Have you seen this movie yet? One of Italy's finest!

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Guess what! We are accepting applications! That's right, you too could get hired (EOE). Tell me below your qualifications and what you could bring to the team!
October 26, 2009 at 1:54pm
October 26, 2009 at 1:54pm
... of the Zesticular Dancer:

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Me in my office.

Today I was pondering the moral ambiguities that plague the mind of the modern man and I decided that man is but the fruit of his own labors. That man is nothing more than the vapor or generations prior and future and he is destined to dwell in a pit of farts and stank.

There's nothing that makes me rise from my bed, covered in sores and boners, like the thought that ingenuity may yet save our peoples. Can we discover a way to break through the cultural barriers and metaphorically dry-hump each other until we fall asleep in a bed of peace and free love?

I say to you, YES. Yes We Can! And that is why today I offer you this news story from the Onion News Network about a small child working to shield himself from the nay-sayers that prevent cultural spooning.

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Uplifting... uplifting and separates with soft padding and no under-wire poking.
October 25, 2009 at 9:11pm
October 25, 2009 at 9:11pm
... mn, grrrrl. Lorien (or Lo-Lo as she prefers to be called) was correct, Duff Man's secret shame is his lexdysia. She wins one internet.

Did you hear this story about Limbaugh's reporting on a supposed college thesis by Obama?1 Long/short, it was a gag from some bloggers page, and Limbaugh reported it as fact and then had to recant. When he did though he said that it sounded true enough to him. It had that "truthiness" factor to it. That is, it's not true, but it feels true. Or "truth that comes from the gut, not books", as Colbert defined it.

Like this website about Glenn Beck: http://glennbeckrapedandmurderedayounggirlin1990.com/.

If there was anyone that I think would have raped and murdered a young girl in 1990, it's Glenn Beck. I can just taste the truth oozing off of this.

Do you wanna rock?... I SAID DO YOU WANNA ROCK!

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Mmmm, science.

1  http://buzz.yahoo.com/buzzlog/93122?fp=1

October 24, 2009 at 1:11pm
October 24, 2009 at 1:11pm
... upon us! Can you dig the new, special, limited edition handle!?!

Z.˚rz Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!!! Be afraid! Be very afraid! No, it isn't one of the votable ones, but ripping you off of your democratic privaleges is just a part of the Handleween tradition!!!

And now...

... it's time for your SATURDAY STUMPER

On "The Simpsons", what is Duff Man's "secret shame"? That's Duff Man's self-confessed "secret shame".
October 23, 2009 at 9:04pm
October 23, 2009 at 9:04pm
... late edition of The Remix. Tonight's guest are my pride and trapped wind.

Saw VI is out in theaters... cause apparently we didn't cover all we needed to with the previous 5. When someone asks you to define "worn out" you can simply tell them to "see Saw"... and then enjoy the Vaudevillian humor that follows.

Yesterday, we lost two genres to that baby. Erotica and Self-help have sniff, sniff made the ultimate sacrifice for WdC, semper fi. I don't think the social ramifications of this loss will be felt for some time yet. There's a whole set of WdC losers out there with nothing to whack to, and then no amateur advice on how to get rid of the post-whack guilt. You know the type, guys with handles like Ellipsis or a single letter of the alphabet followed by some wingdings character to add clout. What losers.

Speaking of handles, I see that many have adopted some special Halloween handles. I think I will too. Vote for my Halloween Handle... AKA my Handleween.

A) Zaw
B) Zaw VI
C) Zoidberg's Revenge
D) Trick-or-Skeet
E) Z Thanks Anon... for their BLOOD!

Answer below after watching this special 500th entry video.

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October 22, 2009 at 2:23pm
October 22, 2009 at 2:23pm
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We're taking enemy fire! Quickly grab your battle implements!

Report for duty below and tell me what weapon you brought so we can beat back this scourge!
October 21, 2009 at 11:32am
October 21, 2009 at 11:32am
... yesterday, but I was arrested!!!!! *Shock*...

... by her beauty. *Laugh* Just kidding, she was ugly. But in all seriousness I woke up this morning with my biological clock going off. Set to vibrate, this clock was shaking me into a sense of my own impermanence, and reminding me that the seed I carry has yet to be planted.

So I blew the snot-balls out of my nose and ripped extra special ass. Dressed in my best sweat pants and Hard Rock Hotel T-shirt, I intend to follow my people's mating ritual. It isn't as if I haven't been out there "playing the field" as they say, but now I'm looking for something deeper, something that deals with fluid exchange.

I know, I know, you're asking "Zack, how can a man-beast such as yourself ever be tamed by the wiles of a lady creature?" and that's the question I will strive to answer.

I'm not going at this unprepared. I've taken to studying the habits of chicks. They like "Sex in the City" and hair scrunchees. I've also taken to studying with masters of this craft, as I found in the following video:

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"Women don't want to make love in filth", got it! Thanks Stacy!
October 19, 2009 at 11:19am
October 19, 2009 at 11:19am
... with tasty information! I can has smarts!

Today my Research Methods class starts... can I - can I say something, please... the classes that are required of your program, they suck. It's the electives and topics classes that rock pants. If I could I wouldn't take the required classes, but that would defeat them being required. So now, I'm stuck learning how to research *Confused* which is something I pretty much knew how to do already.

I've heard whispers that the prof. is a toughy. I've met her, and she doesn't seem so bad. She's an Iranian secularist, and some of my peers have had problems with their paper topics meeting her political interests. Luckily I'm a secularist too, so boom... no worries.

I can understand their worries though, one of my classmates wrote a paper for her about his native Afghanistan and how the Taliban should be separated from al-Queda and accepted as a valid political party. He got dropped to a C for referring to the Taliban as a political party firstly and then for suggesting they could be legitimized.

Personally, I'm not down with the Towelly Ban, the Bikini Ban or any of the other bans that stop me from rocking hard style on your faces. That's just what I do.

You don't look like you're laughing much... what's wrong? Did you not look at this picture and get it yet?

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October 18, 2009 at 5:11pm
October 18, 2009 at 5:11pm
... the saga of Balloon Boy comes to an end. There were emotional highs, and new lows of depravity shared by all. Poppa Balloon, creepy in appearance and action, has shown himself to be that special kind of American that can't control his incessant need for attention. Poor Balloon Boy, puking on national TV and now surely facing Poppa's rage for not coming through in the pinch with superb showmanship, will hopefully be removed from his present situation.

But, I say to you, slow readers, look in the mirror and ask yourself, "Did Poppa Balloon do this to young Falcon... or did I?"... ... ... ... just f*Laugh**Laugh*king with you, that Dad is a nut job, man!

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October 17, 2009 at 1:10pm
October 17, 2009 at 1:10pm
... klahoma where the Longhorns gonna lose a game (well, it's played in Texas, but arguing semantics never got anyone anywhere).

Hey, this whole balloon kid thing got me thinking - has anyone checked Steve Fossett's garage?

Today I am dog-sitting for my bro and SIL. They have one Burmese mountain dog and a black Lab. The Burmese dog, Gunner (my brother named him), I think has some black bear in him or grizzly maybe. The Lab, Sophie (my SIL named her), is afraid of water *Confused*. So that's how I'm spending my day... oh, and watching HD college football, playing X-Box and PS3 all on a 52 inch flat screen. Boom. For a day I'm a balla.

We need some trivia here, but I'm too tired. My eyes don't know where to rest on a huge TV, there's too much screen to take in. Fatigues my ocular nerves.

Who likes babies! Not me.

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