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by Z.˚rz
Rated: 18+ · Book · Satire · #1093586
New and Improved... but only slightly.
You've been pwn'd by ☡.☠

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November 10, 2009 at 9:47am
November 10, 2009 at 9:47am
... one surprise lighter.

Alright, the pressure of keeping this secret has just been too much! I'm dropping it on your heads.

"Invalid Entry = the super secret newsletter being created in secret... secretly.

Some of you got this through the group of the same name, but I'm going to leave that link here for all to see. Then, if you so chose, you may petition for entry into the group. There's a vast induction ritual that you have to undertake which includes collecting a pair of 23 different freshman girls' underwear and then streaking through the quad during lunch. A keg stand usually fits into this somewhere too.

I think I wrote succinctly in the intro of the newsletter the group's goals, the newsletter's purpose and what not, so I won't repeat it here. But do give it a look and the group a consideration.

If nothing else, you should play the games, they're wickedly mischievous *Smirk*
November 8, 2009 at 10:35am
November 8, 2009 at 10:35am
... Large Hadron Collider.

You guys know how much I like to do science. I like doing science more than doing football! Well, here is some scienceing for you: Bird drops baguette, halts Collider.


The fact that a bird can carry a hunk of baguette anywhere near the Hadron Collider is startling to me first off. You would think for the $9 billion invested in this thing, someone would put a roof over it. But, what captured my attention most about this article was the other article linked within from the NYT.

The Collider, the Particle and a Theory About Fate

Long/short, a couple of physicists have a theory that the Hadron Collider's mishaps and what-nots are being caused by, well... The Higgs particle (or "God" particle if your bashing a bible (instead of your bishop)) would be, these guys say, so abhorrent to the nature of our time and space, that the universe itself, when suffering its consequences, would come back in time and prevent the Collider from working.

Confusing? Not really. You're playing a video game, you save your game at a checkpoint then fall in a pit. You go back to the checkpoint and this time don't fall in the pit. The Large Hadron Collider: Proving Nature Uses Autosave

This theory actually coincides with one of my own, the Zack Theory Of Awesometivity (Or Z=Mc∂ ©, using ∂ = awesome). What this theory states is that you will not die. You, as you sit and know yourself, will live a long life, or as long as your physical body allows. If you went out today and were to cross a street, you may stop just in time to not get hit by a car.

Alternately, as I sit and know myself, I may read that you were hit by a car and I would do crying *Sad*. Stephen Hawkings a few years back said, in regards to his original black hole theory, that the building blocks of matter and energy could not be destroyed in a black hole, they were simply maintained in an alternate universe. We can only exist in one temporal universe at a time, hence, you may pass in my universe, I may pass in yours, but in one universe we keep on trucking.

You will die, eventually, physically there's only so much the body can do. But consciousness, energy, cannot be destroyed or lost from the universe. If these theories about the branching of time, about parallel and alternate universes are true, then one of you has to live out the full time your physical body will allow. See?

I feel like you're all still thinking about that damned bird. Here, let Carl Sagan's auto-tuned voice woo you back to me:

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"If you wish to make and apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe", WTF Carl Sagan!?! I just want to make an apple pie!
November 7, 2009 at 1:33pm
November 7, 2009 at 1:33pm

If I were to reside on the Satellite of Love, on what cult, classic TV show might I appear? That's the Satellite of Love.

Good luck to all competitors, many will enter few will win.
November 6, 2009 at 1:19pm
November 6, 2009 at 1:19pm
... doin' work! Good game, one - five!

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You think it's wrong I found New Mexico defender Elizabeth Lambert's play entertaining? No way! That stuff goes on everywhere on every play. She was just less subtle about it. I remember back in the day I had the elbow to throat block out move on free-throws. It always ended in a rebound for me, or a foul on the guy I was blocking out when he retaliated. ... I also once punched a kid in the post game handshake line... but that's neither here nor there.

I notice though that I have a certain bias here, or a double standard. This Spikes guy from Florida who tried to gouge out a Georgia running back's eye, I say fooey! But if it wears a sports bra and quacks like a duck... *Confused*... hu?

Anyhoo, I have a feeling today is going to be a lazy day. I got a million and one assorted things to do like homework and what not, but I'm in no mood. It's nice outside, like a really enjoyable type day. I can run outside without having an asthma attack for the first time in a week or so.

Geez, America, WTF!?! Everybody is shooting everybody! Texas, Orlando... not cool... not cool. This could really tarnish our global image of being a responsible, gun loving society! ... *Confused*...
November 5, 2009 at 2:11pm
November 5, 2009 at 2:11pm
... can be found, please accept this substitute.


That's right, on this date 54 years ago, the flux capacitor was conceived. The world has never been the same.

So, f*Angry**Angry*k the Yankees. I hate the Yankees. The Phillies really needed to plan on using Lee three times, the third time would have been last night to get them into game seven. Four day, five day rests can't be had in the post season. Nu-hu, not on my watch.

Bad news, team. The documentary being made about my life Awesome: The Z-Bomb Story has been given an NC-17 rating by the MPAA for, and I quote, "being too god-d*Shock**Shock*ned potent, its mere viewing may cause pregnancy and/or restless leg syndrome". Son of a... thankfully though, there is a substitute. I think the following video portrays how I live quite well.

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Raddest 'stache ever!
November 4, 2009 at 4:29pm
November 4, 2009 at 4:29pm
... international translator.

I was talking with a friend of mine from Afghanistan and a girl from China today. The three of us were discussing Chinese politics and then my friend from Afghanistan got a little confused with Pin Yin and, well, English in general.

Her: My second name is Wang.

Him: How is that spelled?

Her: W-A-N-G, it's pronounced Wong.

Him: W-E-N-G?

Me: No, A.

Him: Yeah, E, like elephant.

Me: No, A, like apple.

Him: Oh, wing, like a bird.

Her: Wong.

Him: Yeah, in America we say it like wing

Me: What do we say?

Her: You don't like A do you?

Him: A?

Me: You pronounce it wong, like W-O-N-G.

Him: I knew that...

Her first name is Qiu-ju, pronounced Chu-cho. So to him her name is Choo-Choo, like a train.

Anyhoo, enough about me, let's talk about you... what are you wearing?

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November 3, 2009 at 12:30pm
November 3, 2009 at 12:30pm
... that's how close I am to birthing this secret all over your face. Better boil some water, yo.

You know how a few days ago when I asked what everyone thought WdC lacked, Problematic Content noted that this site needed a midget with a mullet... delivered!

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Building a more perfect site one mullet and rocking robot at a time. That's what we, the WdC-letariat (otherwise known as "black cases"), do for you bourge-yellows. Oh wow, Z-nificent, way to bring the class struggle into it

And that brings me to this point, why are there so many lumpen-WdC-letariats on here now? Thomas Harper, Dragonfly, Paulie, Deb-O, ES Morgan... where have they gone? According to Kirk Cameron and the authors of the "Left Behind" series, they were taken to heaven by God in the rapture *Sad*.

Which means I'm stuck here with you people until you go to hell and I inherit the earth as the Omega Man. Bound to happen, I can prove it scientifically. You divide douche-baggedry by awesomnimity, measure the slope, FOIL it, and then subtract wankerocity. If your answer is "Zack" then you're me and awesome.

Oh, I didn't realize your name was Thomas Dolby... you just got blinded by science!

November 1, 2009 at 9:04pm
November 1, 2009 at 9:04pm
... NaNo, we salute you. A tribute to the NaNo efforts of the WdC-ers.

Ahem -

Oh ye ticklers of the typing buttons!
Pounding out your novel thoughts.
Do ye NaNo for the troops?
Do ye NaNo for the flag?

In morning's dripping dew,
should I turn to you,
for purple prose salvation?

Will yer yarn be of love's fickle farts,
or aliens and space boats?
Will ye spell check at chapters fin,
or after the epilogue?

Will it be by Vistas window,
or by Apple's superior glow?
Will it be a tasty treat,
or simply up and blow?

A month begins,
and by its end,
you'll have laundry finished naught.

Good luck, NaNoMo-ers... you're gonna need it.
October 30, 2009 at 12:09pm
October 30, 2009 at 12:09pm
... pretty bad fight yesterday, but I forgive you. In fact, I reward you:

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This week has been boring. Just homework and nothing else a doin'. I blame the weather here in the Lou, it's been raining since Sunday... 1998.

It's come to my attention that WdC is lacking something awesome... what is it you ask? It's a robot playing guitar in a battle. Now that's awesome! Tell me, what is the most awesomest thing you think WdC needs?

Oh, hey, look:
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...ask and ye' shall receive!
October 29, 2009 at 11:25am
October 29, 2009 at 11:25am
... this has got to end.

That's right, I quit. I quit WdC forever!

I used to always be like, "No, go say hi to those peeps. I know you want to read books about Narnia, but there will be time for that later"... but there never was! And now there will be plenty of time for books about Narnia! I'm crapping my pants I'm so f*Shock**Shock*king excited about Narnia and s*Sick**Sick*t.

So yeah, this is good-bye. Let's not make a thing of it, I mean, it was bound to happen eventually. We were just right for each other in a moment, and now that's passed... and you put on weight, but this isn't about you, it's about me - and Narnia, f*Shock**Shock*king Narnia Forever! You'll meet someone new, I can't promise awesome like me, but certainly new.

Oh, and I really want my Thundercats T-shirt back, cause it's, like, rad and s*Sick**Sick*t. Could you just mail it to me? Fine, keep it.

Look, I don't know what you want me to say so you'll stop crying... I'm just going to go. You've got my e-mail if you need to ask me anything about Narnia or something. We're cool right? You're not going to, like, stalk me or trash my car or anything, yeah? Well, whatever. Later.

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