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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1031656
ALL about me! My place to rant,rave, cry and laugh!
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by Kiya


I joined WDC in December 2004 and have struggled with starting a blog. I made a list and it had just as many cons as I did pros. But finally I have decided to go for it.
This blog is for me, about me and really when it's all said and done~~If you visit my place and you don't like it here, you don't have to be here!
This is for me! To help me! This is my place to vent, rave, rant, cry, laugh and say whatever I need to say!
I think we all have personal truths. This blog is to help me find my personal truth, deal with my personal truths, let go of some of my personal truths and build on my personal truths!
Personal Truth are those thoughts and actions which lead to a feeling of well-being. I think there has to be accountability in order for truth to be found in a personal way. I think all means of self-discovery are valid. I hope my blog helps me with this.

Merit Badge in Inner Strength
[Click For More Info]

Great job starting the blog!
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October 26, 2006 at 2:46pm
October 26, 2006 at 2:46pm
of Pistol!

He is such a good puppy!!
His potty-training is going really good; he barely ever has accidents in the house.

Same ole, same ole with me...school, kids and work.
And trying to maintain contests and groups when on here.
Mid terms were this week and I have an A+ = in my Comp II class and a B in my A&P class.

I was supposed to work 5 days this week but the other nurses appointments got cancelled so she offered to take some of my nights! I was off last night and I have the rest of the weekend off! Not going to do too much...it is wet and cool here. I did my cleaning today and have a few errands to run then I am going to rent some movies for tonight and chill.

Ready for Saturday night and Rent!!
Caitlyn and I am going out to eat before we go!
Cody doesn't like Rent or musicals so he is getting to go to Monday night football!
He is going with some friends to Minnesota to watch the Vikings and Patriots game Monday night!

Hope you all have a great weekend.
October 19, 2006 at 10:32am
October 19, 2006 at 10:32am
all in the same day!!

Meet the newest addition to our family!!
Pistol - 6 weeks old.

I finally caved in and got the kids a dog!!
Isn't he the cutest?
We got a really good price on him.
He is full boxer with papers and all his shots are up to date.
The kids love him.
Caitlyn met him this past weekend and they got him last night.
She actually got up with him and took him out at 6:30 this a.m.

Anyone got any good tips on potty-training???

October 18, 2006 at 10:52am
October 18, 2006 at 10:52am
Questions I can not answer, Can You?

Why do doctors leave the room while you change? They're going to see
you naked anyway.
Why is "bra" singular and "panties" plural
Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast to a
horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat?
Can a hearse carrying a corpse drive in the carpool lane?
If the professor on Gilligan's Island can make a radio out of a
coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat?
Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours?
They're both dogs!
If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from
vegetables, what is baby oil made from?
Do the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the same
Why did you just try singing the two songs above?
Why do they call it an asteroid when it's outside the hemisphere, but
call it a hemorrhoid when it's in your butt?

Not much different here.
Same old same old...school, work and kids.
Caitlyn made student council!
Cody has last football game tomorrow!

My school is the same; seems like all I do is study for A& P!!
We have a Unit test next week and then the bone/lab test the next week!!
I have about half of the bones memorized...just a hundred more to go...
Going to school early tonight to use the lab and play with some skeletons and bones.

I have a 4 day weekend again...but next week I have to work 5 nights in a row.
I probably won't do much...maybe rent some movies.
It has been cold, wet and rainy all week.

RENT is almost here...the 27th!!! I can't wait.

Ok I've rambled enough...off to review some and then finish my paper that is due tonight.
(A persuasive business plan....it is really boring!!)

October 13, 2006 at 1:17pm
October 13, 2006 at 1:17pm
Writing in here...just to say I've written something besides a review!!

I'm off for the weekend...yeah.
NO plans.
Besides studying!*Cry*

Caitlyn had her last volleyball game yesterday.
Her team won all their matches.
Overall not sure if our school had the most wins or not.
Her last game was intense and she served for the last two winning points!
I tried to get some pictures but I was excited and they came out a bit blurry!!

She was already excited before the games started. She decided to run for student council...which I was told the night before and we wrote her 'speech' in about 20 minutes while I was cooking dinner!!
Anyway, she said that when she went to give her speech everyone got in trouble!!
She said that the teachers had told them that they were to clap for the person after they gave their speech...but that when she went up to do it everyone started clapping and hollering and got in trouble. She said people were coming up to her all day (half of them she didn't know) saying I voted for you! So she feels like she will be one of the ones picked for 7th grade student council.

It really does amaze me that my kids are so extroverted and into so many sports and both are such leaders and so popular.
I mean I am really an introvert now...and even though growing up I played volleyball, softball and basketball for a while..... I was shy and mostly a quiet person. I have always been a little sarcastic and had a dry sense of humor that I would share with the class at times. But they are way more out there than I ever was. i am glad I haven't rubbed off on them too much!

I know I am so boring, all I ever do is talk about my kids.
And my school and job....I do have a life, and personal issues, but I have never been one to share that type of thing. I tend to leave it all bottled up inside. Until I explode, or call one of my best friends to vent. My biggest issue at the moment is I am buying a house with someone I do not like!!!!!

Hope you all have a great weekend.
I will be trying to stay warm and studying!!

October 12, 2006 at 10:10am
October 12, 2006 at 10:10am
But winter is here.
This is what we woke up to this morning....

Been busy with school and kids.*Reading*
My Anatomy & Physiology class is kicking my booty!!
We have an exam every week over the lecture from the week before and about every 3rd week we have a lab test or a unit test.
The lab tests are not the greatest because if someone bumps the microscope then the next person is not going to see what they are supposed to see....*Shock*
We had our first lab test this past Tuesday, I did okay but out of the ones I missed, 4 of them was because of me not paying attention to the question!!
We just started on bones....there are like 206 bones in the body that we have to memorize....*Confused*
That lab test is in 2 weeks...I'm scared. I think the worst part is knowing the bones from the different views...you have the lateral view and the frontal view and...it's all so confusing. I stayed up last night until after 2a.m. memorizing skull/facial bones!!! This class is so yucky!!!

My Composition II class is a breeze. Last week we had an in-class paper and I made a 95 on it. It was kind of fun, he gave us three prompts to choose from and argue our point on agreeing or disagreeing with the author. This week we have to do a business plan in persuasive writing form!

Cody's football will be over next week and Caitlyn has her last volleyball game today! BUT both start practice this month for their traveling basketball teams. I thought we were going to have a break this season, Cody's team from last year is not going to do it this year...but the other day another team's coach asked Cody to be on his team...since Cody wanted to, I said yes. I don't know how I am going to do the traveling with both of them being on a traveling teams. Some of the games are 2-3 hours away. But usually they are all done in one day, so I don't have to worry about motels and all that stuff as we did with baseball. This is Caitlyn's first year to do this and she is still undecided about really even liking basketball. So I thought it was important for her to try it anyway. We will see.

Work is about the same, better now that the other nurse is back from medical leave...I have more time.

So I have rambled enough, I have to get some reviews/judging on my contests done. I'm trying not to get behind on those. But it feels like that is all I do here anymore is check email and do a few reviews!!
September 28, 2006 at 7:33pm
September 28, 2006 at 7:33pm
SOME lady (another parent of a girl on my daughter's team) at Caitlyn's volleyball game took it upon herself to go and scream at Caitlyn's volleyball team!!!
The team was cheering (aren't they supposed to!??) She yelled at them and told them to scoot back (wouldn't that be the Ref or their Coaches responsibility?) and then she told them to keep it down that they were embarrassing the parents!!
I was in the stand and heard it ALL! This is how loud she was hollering at all the girls on the team.
1. I am a parent and I wasn't emabarassed by the girls/the team. And who is she to represent the parents!?!?)
( I was embarrassed over the woman.)
2.Isn't it like common sense you just do NOT holler at kids that aren't yours..uness your a teacher or what not!!?
3. Don't holler at my chid.
4. Don't holler at my child.
5.Don't holler at my child!@!!!!!&@*#(&#*@(&#*(

So of course all the other parent's are talking and trying to figure out who this woman was...which turns out she is nothing but a parent. A man did confront her and she blew it off saying it was the coach she had a problem with, that she is a bad coach and needs to coach and control the kids.....

I tried to remain calm as the games finished and decided I woud take the problem to the school....On the way out though, I couldn't just walk by...I had to say something to her...
Which I politely told her that I didn't appreciate her talking to my child like that and that if anyone embarrased the parents it woud have been her. She was like 'okay, thank you.'
The husband pops up 'well that is your opinion' and I said yes it was but you didn't see me hollering at the kids or anyone else!!
Then I went to the school and reported the situation to the vice-principle.

People are just thoughtless....use some common sense...

Off to walk and see if I can get any cool pics!
Maybe I will walk this steam off...
September 28, 2006 at 2:43pm
September 28, 2006 at 2:43pm
I haven't done much!!
Trying to just enjoy my time off.

Last night, I got back my first Comp II paper and I made a 100!!!!
The teacher is pretty easy-going which is good. Hopefully my grade will stay high in there which will help me maintain a good GPA...especially since A &P is kicking my butt!!
I made a B- on my Unit test.

I reviewed earlier this morning, studied for about an hour, straightened the house and been playing around with my photo place. Made a few sigs and worked on my photo album and I hope to continue to add pics to that. It has old pics, new pics, blended images....
Here's a ink to that.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1161716 by Not Available.

29 days until I get to see Rent!!!!!!!
September 28, 2006 at 2:43pm
September 28, 2006 at 2:43pm
I haven't done much!!
Trying to just enjoy my time off.

Last night, I got back my first Comp II paper and I made a 100!!!!
The teacher is pretty easy-going which is good. Hopefully my grade will stay high in there which will help me maintain a good GPA...especially since A &P is kicking my butt!!
I made a B- on my Unit test.

I reviewed earlier this morning, studied for about an hour, straightened the house and been playing around with my photo place. Made a few sigs and worked on my photo album and I hope to continue to add pics to that. It has old pics, new pics, blended images....
Here's a ink to that.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1161716 by Not Available.

29 days until I get to see Rent!!!!!!!
September 27, 2006 at 5:21pm
September 27, 2006 at 5:21pm
I'm so exited....Rent is going to be at the college I go to on October 27th!!!!
I ordered Caitlyn and I tickets...they were 35 dollars each but I can't wait!!!!
This has been such an awesome day.....
: )
TWO blogs in one dayWOW!!!
September 27, 2006 at 1:14pm
September 27, 2006 at 1:14pm
I am off the next 4 nights.
The other nurse who was on medical leave is back and is picking up tonight and tomorrow night!!!!
Yeah, this came at a great time. I have been missing the kids and very stressed from school and some other things that have been going on that I won't bore anyone with.
And my Weekly contest needs to be judged and the end of the month is almost here on my Newbie contest!!
Plus I'm just tired with school and working full-timel!!
I went and got contacts yesterday....had not worn any in over a year. (I think contacts are worse on one's eyes...that's just a personal feeling!) But my vision had barely changed and it had almost been 2 years since last eye vision.
Would this scare you or does this scream quack!?!?!
My appointment was for 1:45p...I got there a few minutes before...I was back in my car and leaving at 2:01m!! Yeah, and this Dr. was a cute, balding older man that had the shakes and I could smell cigarette smoke on him.
I'm not dissing the smoke because I used to smoke but I always tried to never let my patients smell it.
Oh well the contacts are working well.
But I got way sidetracked (whch has been happening so much) I mentioned the contacts originally to say that since I'm not wearing my glasses the dark circles under my eyes seem really prominent.
Oh and here are 3 of the pics I took the other day for autumn and a contest.
I ended up taking about 60 pics!!
Here are my 3 favorite.
I have also created a photo album here and am still working on it..I will post it when I take it off private.
I thik I get addicted way to easy to things...I have had this digital camera for 2 years or so and basically have used for just kids/family events etc...but I had so much fun the other day. The walking and trying to get/find cool pics. So I will probably end up filling the photo album up!!
And oh guess what (yes, Trish YOU were right!!) the dvd ram I lost of Cody's football game.....did show up!!
My son found it...in between the cushions of my recliner!!!!
Man I stressed over that for days!
Off to review.
Hope you all have a great weekend....yeah I'm rushing it but mine started early!

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