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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
#990516 added August 11, 2020 at 1:20pm
Restrictions: None
Halong Bay Legend
signature dancing owl

Day 2825: Halong Bay, Vietnam
Prompt: Pick out one of the five legends/myths in this article: The Legend of Halong Bay: Discover Myths Behind The Names https://www.visithalongbay.com/insight-guides/the-legend-of-halong-bay.html and write a story or poem based on the legend/myth.

Swim or Stay

Tray had been walking for a long time through a jungle. He had left the main trail far behind. At first the terrain was close set bamboo, that had not been bothered for many years by humans. The tall plants grew close together and ware difficult to get through, but tray was actually finding a way. He hoped when the bamboo started to thin that he was actually traveling in a straight path toward the coast.

The story he had heard in the local pub was if he traveled toward the large bay he would find something worth seeing. So, here he was off on a hike by himself. He cut himself a sturdy walking stick from the bamboo and walked on. Soon, the bamboo thinned and he was walking through mangrove trees and palms. When he stopped to rest he thought he heard the rhythmic slosh of water as it washed gently against the shore. within a few yards he had broken out of the undergrowth and was standing facing a beautiful bay which stretched before him in watery glory.

The walk had eliminated the day. He sat down on the shore took some snacks from his backpack and rested against the base of a nearby tree. As, the sun went down Tray saw an emerald green island. The setting sun's rays illuminated it as if it was a gem in the far off reaches of the bay waiting to be plucked. Tray laid his head on his backpack. He watched the glowing emerald gem until the sun fell below the horizon and his heavy eyes closed in deep restful sleep.

The next day was spent fashioning a small raft from large bamboo stalks he found along the banks of the bay. He used a ball of sturdy twine from his pack and some vines which grew on other trees to hold the buoyant wood together. You see, Tray was an explorer of sorts. A young man who was always moving around looking at new things. He was quite use to taking journeys where he had to improvise his own type of transportation. Once he was sure the raft would float he fashioned a paddle from some wood he found using a small Swiss Army knife that had been given to him by a soldier when he was a child.

Tray boarded the raft and began to paddle this way and that trying out how well the raft was holding together and how well it maneuvered. finding all ways of maneuverability being to his satisfaction he set out paddling straight toward the emerald Island. As you will ascertain, others had seen the emerald glowing in the setting sun but none would say what was on it. Tray wanted to know why the sun cast it's rays to illuminate this island as a green gem and not others near it.

It was farther from the shore of the bay than Tray had counted on. It took most of the day to reach the jutting rock of the Island. When he reached it he had to paddle West than back East looking for a beach on which to land, since most of the rock of the island rose straight up into the sky. Finally, when he was beginning to think he would have to spend a dark foreboding night on the little floating bamboo raft. He spied a very small niche of sandy beach on which he landed his little craft.

He drew the craft up onto the 20 foot beach because he did not want to be stranded on this piece of rock,because now that he was actually on the island, it seemed to be just that, no more than another hunk of rock jutting out of the water many feet into the sky. The sun was setting behind the island and now he found himself in deep darkness without a light. He could hear the gentle lap of water against the little beach so he settled himself against the rock that surrounded the beach, took out an energy bar and a bottle of water from his pack and stared into the pitch dark hoping he was safe. Soon, his eyes closed. Once again his efforts of the day had caused him to settle into a much needed sleep.

The rise of light from morning startled him awake. He knew immediately where he was. He stood up and began to explore the rock wall that surrounded this little beach. The beach was a semicircle. About 20 feet long and 15 feet at it's circumference point. The circle flattened in it's center, that is where Tray found the entrance to a path that led into the stone wall.

He picked up the pack and moved off the beach onto the path which was still surrounded by rock.

Ten feet onto the trail a formation of steps led upwards. At one place the trail, which was formed from the same rock as the wall, led left and right. At this point he believed he had climbed up about 20 feet. The new thing was, the seaward side of the trail was rock the other side was land with trees growing everywhere. He began to hear birds calling from tree to tree.
Every now and then a foot path pebble and dirt, branched away from the rock path he was following. The land still aimed upwards at a gradual pace. Even the land with trees, brush, and living green growth also slanted in varying degrees upward and inward away from the path he was following.

He came to a footpath that was much wider than the others. I'm going to try moving deeper into the Island he thought, but I better mark the way so I can return and make it back to the beach. He took out the Swiss Army knife. moving to the rock wall he began to scrape an arrow that pointed back the way he came. Startled, he realized the rock was crumbling away. It was leaving a mark that showed a green emerald glass like an emerald gem. He had revealed an emerald gem arrow pointing back the way he had come.

He wanted to scrap away more rock but the day was moving on so he traveled forward onto the wider trail that led toward the internal part of the island. Suddenly a great stag stepped from behind a large tree. It planted itself in the center of the path facing Tray. Tray stood absolutely still hoping it would not charge.

The stag spoke. "You are man, man cannot live here."

The astonished Tray had many thoughts flashing through his mind. Did the deer speak? Is there a place to run to if I need to get away?

The stag spoke again. "You cannot hide, you must leave here. Follow me." The stag ordered in a very commanding voice.

Tray turned thinking to retreat the way he had come only to find a second stag with lowered head aiming his direction standing behind him. It was then that he noticed that the many points of the stags horns were sharpened to deadly looking hunting knife quality ends.

Tray faced forward and followed the stag. They wound their way to the top of the island. The commanding stag led him to the edge of a clear solid emerald platform that looked out over the large deep bay.

You have a choice. If you remain on the island today, tomorrow you will become a stag like us. If you do not wish to live out your days as a stag on this island you must jump. If you survive the jump you will find a small fishing vessel anchored against the wall where the bay meets the rock. You may use the vessel to sail away from our island. Keep the vessel. We wish you well.

Tray started to stammer out a question.

Choose now shouted the Stag! It lowered his head menacingly and began to paw the ground.

Tray patted his pocket to assure himself his Swiss Army Knife was still there. He took several running steps across the emerald gem platform and jumped with a frightened force, as far out away from the rock wall as he could get. In a perfect dive he entered the water with arms outstretched, hands together body pointing down. The bay before him was racing up at an alarming rate. As he entered the water, he felt the weight of it on his flesh. He fought against the gravity by curving his body upward as soon as his shoulders were under the water. To his surprise the water here was very deep. He was able to turn upward shooting toward the cloudy sky. He surfaced shaking the water from his eyes and hair.

When he was sure he was all in one piece he treaded water looking around to get his bearings. About 100 yards away a small fishing craft bobbed on the water held in place by an anchor. Tray swam over dragged himself up a rope ladder on the side and took possession of the boat.

That is how the fishing fleet that makes its living on the bay came into being. One adventurous lad after another jumped from the emerald gem platform taking possession of the reward waiting below.


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