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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
#988490 added July 18, 2020 at 12:41pm
Restrictions: None
Have you ever boycotted a company or product? If so, tell us the story. If not, what would a company have to do for you to boycott its products?

owl for signature use *Gag*

Boycotting Yes!

Quote: Boycotts have been a critical part of social justice in American history, particularly for African-Americans. Stacey Abrams
Read more at https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/boycott-quotes

Verizon, No way

Yes I boycott Verizon whenever I get the opportunity. This is going to be difficult to explain. Plus this is an old old old situation.

K's mother worked for Gen Tel and then Verizon. I've been told she worked in an investigative office for them. But I don't know if it's true since I've been lied to a big bunch about all kinds of things over the years.

We always had trouble with the company. High bills, bad telephone lines that never were repaired. I use to tell people if there was a repair truck parked on the road for sure our telephone service was going to go out. I finally taped the box on the end of the house where the service came in so they had to ask to use it. And, they could not tell me the repair was my fault.

We attended a Bible College for a year and when we came home I would not start the service up again for awhile until K insisted. I said if people wanted to talk to me they could just come to the house.

After that came the Reagan years when I got so many hang up calls and actual death threats. I finally had to have a tap put on the phone. And for that I had to pay twice. I was billed by the state police and Verizon for the wire tap. They caught some girls from a local town but said they would not prosecute them because it would ruin their lives. It was just a prank.

Then I learned that repairmen from Verizon would stop to service someones phone and dial my number to see if the other persons phone was working and hang up on me instead of identifying the call. I found this out after caller ID became available because I could call the number the telephone man used that came up on my phone. Pretty soon it became well known that the service men for Verizon were harassing lots of customers. I once talked with a Verizon line service man who said he was well aware of the history of our property and the people here and indicated that's why they did what they did. But, did not tell me what he was talking about so I'm still wondering what they thought happened here that I don't understand????*Crazy*

When I got out of college I applied to Verizon as a telephone operator and worked for them for a trial period of time. They had a test at the end of their trial period, which I passed. But, they let me go anyway. Did not matter much since they closed the office and moved their service office to Texas within 6 months. Another operator said, they probably did not want me there because they would end up paying my college bills. Huh??? My son-in-Law said to take them to court they would give my job back.

When WIFI came in we got off dial-up and onto Verizon WIFI. It was a really good service but, they kept raising the price on it and priced us right out of the service, which we were using for telephone and our computers. However, K pays for the service so he kept the in home telephone service. We had cell phones at that time with TracFone. I once inquired about Verizon cell phones and the woman I talked to said Verizon could not supply people with cell power at the price TracFone was giving us.

Tracfone service was provided by Verizon. TracFone was also a hassle for me. Two years ago Tracfone sent me an email about the phones we were using. They said, the service would be changing in 6 months and they would no longer service the phones we were using. They wanted us to buy new phones for the low price of 75.00 dollars.

I researched the situation and discovered the info about G5. So, we bought the new phones they offered. About 2 months later they put the style of phone we paid 75.00 dollars for on the market for 39.95.

Sometime around this time I found out that Yahoo which I had been using since college was being sold to Verizon. I quit my Yahoo account and moved to GMail.

Next, although I really liked my phone. Someone else was able to change things on my phone. My phone was being hacked. Then I discovered that K was able to use his phone to stalk my phone. And, I found a woman on line who was starting a backwash against husbands who were stalking their own wives phones causing all kinds of problems. The woman I found is making congress aware of this situation, trying to get states to make laws against husbands stalking their own wives.

So, I bought service with a different carrier. That is when I found that TracFone brands their phones. So, in order to get service I could afford I had to buy an unbranded phone and find a carrier that does not brand their phones. Which I did. Now, I no longer personally have any connection to Verizon although K does still have his Verizon house phone here. Since we each have a cell phone I asked his to dump the Verizon home phone service but, he is loyal to the Verizon company or just trying to irritate me?

Look, in all this story, I am finding out about how little people in this country understand about the lack of real freedom we have. The Corporate situation is causing high prices and fixing class systems in place by what people can and cannot buy or use.

So, I found information about these types of systems in a book, Catholicism and American Freedom: A History by John McGreevy.

Now, I'm having trouble with my new phone again. You see I changed my number with my new phone. Who ever had the number before was in debt and I have had to talk to Discover to tell them I'm not her, because I now have a number that was issued to someone else at another time. Yesterday, I got a message from Instagram giving me a code number to get into an Instagram account. I don't have an Instagram account.

This week I read and in depth account of how the new G5 phone system is going haywire, because
European companies that the USA is forming the system with are in competition with a G5 system being developed by China. G5 is suppose to supply better service and cheaper service but, prices are not coming down and some providers like T-Mobile have had break downs because of China interference. I hope all this is only growing pains.

So, Yes, I boycott the Company. During George Bush's term in office I found information about Verizon linking it to a lot of Government spying on ordinary citizens of this country. I'm amazed at the fact that it's true and probably still goes on but no one seems to care. I guess I don't really care either because I'm not doing anything wrong or illegal and many other people who have phone problems aren't either. It just causes constant irritating things to go wrong with individual phones. Covid 19 pandemic just adds to the stress factor. I realize a personal boycott just doesn't even bother such a large moving Corporation and they would run right over me in the road of life if I really got involved against them. So, I move on.

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