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Short stories, daily thoughts, and chaos embodied - this is my blog!
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#985457 added June 12, 2020 at 11:54am
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Early Morning Rambling
          First things first. I believe I’ve come up with an agenda for my blog that I can keep up with while dealing with work, tending my babies (more on them later), and life in general – which can obliterated the best made plans. On Mondays, I intend to post one of my writing journal entries, which ever one I like the most or feel is very well written. My hope is you will give me plenty of feedback, and a simple writing exercise might turn into an epic novel! Never know! That also gives me more incentive to work on my writing journal every day instead of allowing things to distract me! On Thursdays, I want to post a normal journal entry – such as sharing my thoughts, talking about life, and attempting this social thing. Yes, I’m an extreme introvert (along with three quarters of the writing community) and social isn’t my thing. To be clear, Thursdays may prove a little harder for me than Mondays, so bear with me as I trudge into uncomfortable territory.

         In the spirit of opening up a bit, I’ll share with you the issues I’m currently dealing with and why I’m struggling to write. I’m an assistant manager in retail, which is just a nightmare industry for introverts. Ironically, over half the people I work with – are introverts who put on a brave face every day and struggle through their shift. Add to that the stress and fears of Covid-19, particularly in an area where people just don’t bother with masks and ignore social distancing advice, and I think every one of my associates deserve awards and bonuses for every day that they come in to work. As for our store, we just finished inventory, which involved a lot of prepping on our behalf, and six day weeks for our store manager, the other assistant manager, and myself – not to mention the long hours we all put in every day. The benefits we were supposed to reap were the store manager going on vacation this week and vacation for me week after next. Nope. *shakes head* Life isn’t that easy. Two things – our other assistant manager is transferring out of our store. How much notice did we receive? Two days. That’s right. Two freaking, fracking, fidging days! Granted, a transfer takes two weeks, but our store manager still has to train her replacement – and in time for the replacement to be ready to take the reigns when the current assistant leaves. Not a lot of room for a vacation in there. Then, I found out Monday that the other assistant manager was directly exposed to Covid-19 – as in there is little chance she doesn’t have Covid, which means we were all exposed, as well. She’s suppose to get the results of her test today, and to say I’m a nervous wreck is an understatement. One, she has a young child, and I’m so worried about that. Then there is that not even I am sure what will happen at our store if she does test positive, beyond we have to get tested, but I’m not sure after that. Some context, I’m sure, is needed. We live in a small town with limited Covid testing resources, so they don’t want us to go in for testing unless she is positive. I think that’s also why we’ve had to wait for four days. So, yeah, that’s were my life stands right now and…it’s a lot scarier than you might think. Then again, you may well know from personal experience, and my heart goes out to you.

         Okay, enough of that. Yes, my way of dealing is to just not think about things. Besides, I said I’d tell you about my babies. There is my dog, a Basenji mix, who is attached to my hip, is very spoiled, and remains my constant companion. We also have my daughter’s cat, a Bombay, who is glued to her side, and just as spoiled as my Pookybear. Both have been members of our family for many years. The newest additions to our family are Cookie and Cream, guinea pigs! They are about three months old (I’m guessing), maybe three and a half months. Cream, female, is mine, and she is a darling – very sweet natured, very gentle, although she chews on everything, and I do mean everything! At least, she’s sweet if you aren’t another guinea pig, but if you are – watch out because she rules and she’s a dictator. Cookie, male, is my daughter’s sweetling, and he is truly sweet, gentle, and calm, excluding his zoomie moods. Now, when we bought them, we were assured that they were both females. Over the next month, Cream started gaining a tremendous amount of weight and bullying Cookie more and more. Then, almost a month to the day after we bought them, we discovered – the twins! Yeup, Cream was pregnant when we bought her and we think – think – Cookie is daddy. The wee ones are Moche and Sundae, both males and perfectly adorable. Today, Cream is in my room in her own cage – as she doesn’t like other guinea pigs. We’re still working on socializing her with humans because, as sweet as she is, she is very skittish. Cookie is in my daughter’s room in his own cage, and he blossomed once he was alone. I mean, he shows a tremendous amount of personality now and he’s very, very friendly and affection. Moche and Sundae are in their own cage in the office and they are very dependent on each other. Working on socializing them, but if I pick up Sundae (who is mine), Moche goes wheeking crazy, and vice versa. They’re friendly and far less skittish than momma, but they don’t like being separated for any reason.

         Well, there’s a peek into my life. Sorry for going on and on. I do hope you enjoy, though! You can follow me on Twitter – Sylver@SylverSidhe or on Tumblr – SylverSidhe. Look forward to hearing from you! Until next time…


*Edit - 6/12/20* When I arrived at work yesterday, I was informed that my coworker tested positive for Covid and, at some point, they'd shut the store down for sanitizing, but we weren't sure when. A few hours later, my manager called to inform me that our DM was on his way to our location to shut our store down. We all have to get tested for Covid and, those who test negative, will sanitize our store before we can re-open. I'm just loving 2020 - aren't you? -___-!!!!

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