My goals for the DGZ team. |
Monthly Goals: Goal #1. Reviews 10 per month. 1. Review of "Frozen" 2. Invalid Review 3. Invalid Review 4. Invalid Review 5. Invalid Review 6. Review of "We will survive?" 7. Review of "Romance, Beneath The Brooklyn Bridge " 8. Invalid Review 9. Review of "I'm Not A Girl" 10. Invalid Review Goal #2. Write in my blog/book at least once a month. 1. "The Fragile Existence of Humans " 2. "Tonight, and Forevermore" 3. "A Treasured Gift " 4. "Invalid Entry" Goal #3: Start a new exercise program. Walk at least half mile a week, working up to running a mile by June 9th 2020. Week 1:April 20-25 1. I walked 2 miles today. Completed: 4-20-20 2. I walked 1 mile and a quarter today. Completed: 4-21-20 3. I ran for almost 2 minutes today. Completed: 4-22-20 4. I ran for a minute today. Completed: 4-24-20 5. I walked a mile and a half today. Completed: 4-25-20 Week 2:April 26-30 1. I walked two miles today. Completed: 4-26-20 2. I ran almost two minutes today and walked two miles. Completed: 4-27-20 3. I walked two miles today. Completed: 4-30-20 Goal #4: Exercise arm or leg muscles every day. Week 1: April 20th-25 1. I stretched today & did 10 push-ups. Completed: 4-20-20 2. Stretched my legs today. Completed: 4-21-20 3. Stretched my legs today. Completed: 4-22-20 4. Stretched my legs today & did 5 push-ups. Completed: 4-24-20 5. Stretched my legs today. Completed: 4-25-20 Week 2:April 26-30 1. Stretched my legs today. Completed: 4-26-20 2. Stretched my legs today. Completed: 4-27-20 3. I stretched and did 5 push-ups today. Completed: 4-30-20 Goal #5:Prepping for the A.C.T. test. English- 45 minutes. 75 questions. Completed: 4-26-20 Math- 45 minutes. 75 questions. Completed: 4-27-20 Reading- 40 questions, 35 minutes. Completed: 4-28-20 Science- 40 questions, 35 minutes. Completed: 4-29-20 Trig- 25 minutes. Completed: 4-30-20 Tasks 1: Create a DGZ field manual. Completed: 4/20/20 2. Add the right format to your field manual. Completed: 04/20/20 |