This blog contains responses to blog prompts, & thoughts on spiritual or religious themes |
Kamál (Perfection), 1 Qudrat (Power) 176 B.E. - Monday, November 4, 2019
PROMPT: November 4th - Would you rather be surprised or surprise someone else? Write about it! To Surprise or Not to Surprise I have never had a surprise party. I have never attended a surprise party (at least I can't remember attending one). I have never planned a surprise party. The only type of surprises I like and look forward to getting are those wrapped in Happy Birthday paper some other type beautiful gift paper or bags. I do not like to have people dropping by my apartment without calling first (the only exceptions to this are UPS, FEDX, or some other delivery persons).
DAY 2042: Does your brain surprise you with its brilliance or its glitches? If you wish, would you like to elaborate on the idea? At 72, I surprise (perhaps I should say scar myself) with my brain glitches. I also dazzle myself with my brilliance, especially when it come to poetry. Sometimes, I wonder where the ideas, phrases, lines, metaphors, and similes come from. After thinking about it, I realize that they either come from my subconscious mind or are gifts from God. I attribute them as gifts from God because the only way I can access my subconscious mind is with the help of the Lord. |