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"Putting on the Game Face" |
I saw Trump's latest rally on TV last night. Nineteen thousand crammed the auditorium and thousands more waited outside, not withstanding the thousand or so milling about, trying to incite violence. These paid liberal radicals were looking for a fight, throwing objects at the police and their horses. They got in the faces of anyone suspected of having Republican sympathies. They blocked traffic hurling obscenities at the passengers. George Soros certainly got his money's worth. What a sorry lot these liberal radicals have become, what a bunch of crazies, hell bent on ripping apart the fabric of American society. How did the once proud Democratic Party (to which I once subscribed) allow this travesty to take place? The answer of course is money and our enemies abroad certainly have plenty of that. Anybody who believes that this malcontented rabble was simply expressing their constitutional righty to peaceful protest and dissent is sadly misinformed. They were a bunch of anarchists intolerant of any point of view but their own, seeking to tear down the institutions of Democracy and replace them with a claptrap socialist form of government. They had two objectives, force their views upon others and create chaos. This is what the Democrats have devolved to. They have not had any time to legislate the past three years having frittered it all away screaming COLLUSION, OBSTRUCTION, and RASIST, RASIST RASIST! They want this country to fail, for in failure the mindless masses are more likely to accept their unworkable socialist agenda. The Democrats are the party of suffering and human misery and have adopted a "Poison the Waterhole Strategy." This strategy is aimed at destroying the economy that is the engine for a better way of life currently being offered the American people. They want to "Shit in the Economic Mess kit" that has given Americans a better way of life than any other country in the world. The offshore money that seeks to establish a one world government knows it will never succeed unless the US is brought low, to the status of an impoverished third world country like Cuba or Venezuela. Obama had us well down the road to achieving that objective, and were it not for the "Miracle of 2016", Hillary would have finished the job. From the beginning of his presidency, and even before the Democrats have had one goal...IMPEACHMENT! In the meantime they have done everything possible to hamstring the Trump administration. His words summed it up when he said.... "I made a mistake making it known I was for a wall along the Southern Border. Had I said I opposed it the Democrats would have fallen all over themselves to see it got funded." The Muller Report was a political hit job that went astray when it turned out the partisan Democratic investigators would be constrained by having to tell the truth. The truth in Part One of the report showed that President Trump was not guilty of the terrible crimes the Democrats claimed he committed. Part Two of the report was added as a consequence, providing a pathway to impeachment which was what the objective was all along. If Collusion was the central focus then why was there no investigation of Hillary Clinton...? Now that was a lodestone of real Russian collusion and obstruction. Instead the whole focus of the report was on Trump, who was newly elected and had not had time to continue the sins of the Obama Administration even if he had been inclined to do so. Perter Stryzuk said as much in his famous words...."There's no there, there." He added the following caveat however, "If this is about impeachment you can count me in." What does this tell the informed reader? It says that proof or no proof the Democrats were out to get Trump even if they had to manufacture the evidence to do so. This brings us to the great "Whistle Blower Scam." It turns out this individual was a cohort of Joe Biden, having accompanied him at least once to the Ukraine in his efforts to extort money from a desperate country fighting for its life from Russian aggression. When it looked like the whole scheme would be blown open by an honest investigator, Biden threatened to withhold defense aid if the investigator was not fired. That is not conjecture but is captured on a tape made afterwards showing the then VP bragging about shutting down the investigation. What a sleaze bag, Joe Biden turned out to be. The scam worked so well, he took a page from Hillary's Pay for Play Book and proceeded to shake down the Chinese, in a thinly veiled corruption scheme that weighed in at over a billion dollars. This is the man the Democrats want to be president. Bring it on... Give Creepy Joe the nod to sell out the United States for another eight years while he smells the hair of those liberal females who find him so attractive. |