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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/962539-It-Takes-Effort
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Rated: E · Book · Biographical · #2177669
A metaphor for my take on life and how it affects me.
#962539 added July 13, 2019 at 1:42pm
Restrictions: None
It Takes Effort
It takes more than a small effort to sit down and write in this blog. Prior to my heart attack and bypass surgery, I could write a blog with no problem. Now I seem to be hesitant to put words to paper even though I have a plethora of things I could write about.

I've been spending a lot of time reading these last two months and not doing anything that is productive. I've no excuse for this laziness and wish I could change and do something constructive. My wife never sits, she is always on the move and I feel ashamed that I don't have that same mentality, but I don't and I'm sure I never will!

I had a scare yesterday when I got the results from CT I had for my shoulder. I was told I had a mass or tumor next to my lung, I was given a Dr's name and told to give him a call and set up an appointment and have the mass removed. Needless to say my mind went to the big C word and I wasn't sure what to do. I had a copy of the CT report and after discussing it with my wife, I stoped by my Primary Dr. and had them make a copy of the CT for their records and then went to my Cardiologist and did the same. The Dr. was there and he was handed my report and he said "what's this?" I told him "it was the report from my CT and the Orthopedic Dr said I had a tumor and needed to have it removed." The Cardiologist said "this is fatty tissue bound together and nothing to worry about. You don't need surgery unless you want cosmetic surgery!"

So what do I do? I will wait, I have blood work on Monday, a Pulmonary Function Test on Tuesday, and appointment on Thursday with the Cardiologist to go over the result of the blood work and check my pace maker to see if I've had any A-Fib episodes. I meet with my urologist on the following Monday along with my Primary Physician later the same day. Will this ever end? I must admit I'm getting a little tired of all these doctor appointments and not knowing for sure what's going on!

I'm going to a memorial in a couple of hours for a gentleman from my church. He had been in a convalescent hospital for over a year. I stopped by to see him a couple of times when I was down visiting my mother. The service is being held at my church and lunch will be provided afterwords.

I think this is enough of my woes to last awhile.

Life is Good

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