This Blog isn't just for my scriptwriting Projects. It's also for my other activities. |
Barely Sixteen Scene Paragraphs Done Yesterday This may be another short Blog entry. Not because I don’t have too much to write about. But because of how I am feeling. For a long time, I have had trouble with my asthma because of the heat. Even without the heat, it’s been bad all year. It’s just worse when it comes to the heat. When I got home from work, I started having chest pains. Very bad ones. So bad I thought that I would need to go to the hospital. It was that bad. Luckily it only lasted about an hour. But my asthma is still going on as of this Blog entry. That is why this blog is being done so soon tonight. I’m hoping some sleep will help me out. If I can get to sleep. And if I can’t I hope that I can get at least a few hours. Otherwise, work may be a problem for me. Especially because of the asthma and chest pains. Asthma I can’t control at work because of the heat. But I hope that I don’t have any chest pains. If I don’t, they will just think I’m sleeping on the job. And they will have an excuse to fire me. That’s enough of that. Now for the not so good news. I only got sixteen scene paragraphs done yesterday. And that included two Establishing Shots. I’d like to blame work for me not writing more. But I can’t. It was a typical Saturday at work. In fact, it may have been the slowest one so far this year. That’s good for my health. But it’s not for my writing. I can’t blame anyone else for my lack of writing more except for me. Today I plan on continuing the movie Treatment for my Water Wars scriptwriting project. I don’t know how much I’m going to get done. A lot of that depends on work and how I feel. Work shouldn’t be that much of a problem. It usually isn’t too busy at work on Sundays. But my health might be. I’m going to get as much of it done as I can. Just not sure how much that will be.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What you are about to read (see) is true. Nothing needed to be changed. After all, this has already been translated into a language that we all know and understand - English (German, French, Italian, Russian, etc.). |