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As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book |
Space is divided into two parts or aspects. On one side of space is creation. On the other side is God alone; creation is completely absent. That is the world of the "darkless dark" and the "Lightless light." In the Gita the Lord says: "Where no sun or moon or fire shines, that is my Supreme Abode...." (Bhagavad Gita XV:6) The same duality is true of human consciousness. Your being has two sides -- one visible, the other invisible. With open eyes you behold objective creation, and yourself in it. With closed eyes you see nothing, a dark void; yet your consciousness, even dissociated from form, is still keenly aware and operative. If in deep meditation you penetrate the darkness behind closed eyes, you behold the Light from which all creation emerges. By deeper samadhi, your experience transcends even the manifested Light and enters the All-Blissful-Consciousness --- beyond all form, yet infinitely more real, tangible and joyous than any sensory or supersensory perception. God has given you the opportunity to observe in your own consciousness the operation of the same laws that govern the universe. The state of consciousness without form that is experienced with closed eyes may be compared to the endless region of "darkless dark" and "lightless light," where God exists without any of the forms, qualities and dualities that characterize the sphere of His material creation. In this boundless stretch of eternity behind creation, God alone lives in the unqualified consciousness of ever-existing, ever-conscious, ever-new Bliss. No world or any other created thing exists in His consciousness in that part of infinity where He reigns as the Absolute. But on the other side of space He is aware of everything---all creation---in Himself |