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by Seuzz
Rated: 18+ · Book · Reference · #2180628
Reference-work for "The Book of Masks," "The Wandering Stars," and "Student Bodies."
#952274 added February 17, 2019 at 6:53pm
Restrictions: None
Westside High School: Romantic Possibles

The following document is divided into three sections.

First: Characters who have not been established as being in a relationship, and who might or might not be in one. The rating is their "dating scale," showing the seriousness of the relationship they are likely to be in; see "Romantic Couples" for the meaning of the scale. (Some characters have a range of permissible assignments rather than a determinate number.) The associated notes give some indication of their personality and the dynamics of the relationship they are likely to be in, if they are in a relationship at all. The first table is for guys, the second for girls.

I am not inclined to imagine any of these characters being in a relationship with each other++, so any if you invent a couple, it should probably be between one of these characters and someone from the second section, or someone new.

++ Except for Samantha Carpenter. I can imagine her paired with Noah Baker, Liam Walker, Marcus Johnston, Fred Hildown, Austin Dougherty, or Blake O'Brien. If so, it will be a recent development -- shortly after BoM starts, in fact (first weekend, possibly). If you have any intuitions about her, I'd be very interested because I have it very much in the back of my head that she *needs* to be in a relationship (don't ask me why).

Second: Characters who should *not* be put in a relationship, as it has been established that they are not in relationships or which for reasons of my own I'd prefer to see remain unattached unless the action of the story drives them into an attachment.

Third: Notes on characters who have romantic yearnings or inclinations but who are not in any kind of relationship.

Note: The lists do not include such characters as Caleb Johansson, Keith Tilley, Christian Knouse, Jenny Ashton, etc., whose status is so obvious as to not be remarked on. It also does not include many characters (such as Bo Robinson or Kyle Kent) so far off the radar that there's no point in even addressing them.

At the moment I'm content with pairings of seniors with seniors, or seniors with juniors. That's enough for the moment without inventing underclassmen-with-underclassmen pairings.

Candidates for a Relationship


Larry Finch

Ag Annex; goofy and immature, but dogged and loyal with a girl


Logan Lackey

Ag Annex; earthy, mechanically minded, will repay sex with loyalty if that's the price and the girl interests him, but mostly wants sex and parties and to be the alpha of his pack


Anthony Kirk

AP group; possibly has a girl secretly on the side the way Kelsey has a guy on the side, but no one publically acknowledged


Daniel Lujan

Band guy; interested in any girl at any level who would put up with his silly shit


Aaron Flood

Band guy; see Daniel Lujan above


Domenic Johnson

Band guy; serious about any girl who's serious about him.


Donald McLeod

Band guy; kinda goofy, and rather scared of being intimate, but would love female friendship


Griffin Lewis

Band guy; would take anything in a skirt, but likely to take her seriously and exclusively if a relationship can be hit off


Robert Vargas

Band guy; wants a girl, any level, will pay any price to get one


Andy Tackett

Creative guy; is tired of being a single virgin and has recently plunged into the market -- with success?


Kevin Winkler

Creative guy; already pussy-whipped even though he hasn't got a girlfriend, so he's in the market for one so he can have an excuse. Is horrified by the idea of sex as it seems vaguely non-PC to him.


Luke Richardson

Baseball player; creative writer; passionate and loyal if it's a serious relationship, passionate and cruel if it isn't


Noah Baker

Baseball player; serious-minded guy who's already practicing to be a husband.


Sebastian Clarke

Baseball player; will take a girl, any girl, and will fall for her hard; but maybe he'll fall out of love with her just as quickly.


Ryan Ness

Baseball player. Total player; if he's in a relationship, it's a sneaky, underhanded play for sex.


Ricardo Pedroza

Baseball player; thug looking for sex, the girl will be more serious about it than he is, probably because she's been in abusive relationships before.


Alex Massey

Baseball player; see Ricardo Pedroza above


Scott Frazier

Basketball player; probably the only decent human being on the team. Quiet, dreamy, romantic, tender.


Matt Nichols

Basketball player; see Ricardo Pedroza above


Ryan Shuler

Basketball player; see Ricardo Pedroza above


Luke Bennett

Basketball player; see Ricardo Pedroza above


Darren Green

Basketball player; see Ricardo Pedroza above


Dominic Kleason

Football player; one of the bad ones, see Ricardo Pedroza above


Roy Nelson

Football player; one of the bad ones, see Ricardo Pedroza above


Brian Kelly

Football player; one of the bad ones. Jealous as hell and abusive


Connor Vale

Football player; one of the bad ones. Too goofy to be dangerous, and too goofy to be a decent boyfriend

0-1, 3

Cole Stanchik

Football player; one of the bad ones, but probably decent with a girl except for all the cheating he does on her


James Bridges

Football player; one of the bad ones, but probably decent with a girl except for being jealous and abusive when aroused


Blake O'Brien

Football player; one of the bad ones, but likely to be surprisingly tender and devoted with a girl if he can be troubled to care for her


Liam Walker

Football player; one of the decent ones who'll treat a girl well


Marcus Johnson

Football player; see Liam Walker above


Matthew McElroy

Football player; one of the decent ones, but who is probably sloppy and careless with the girls


Austin Dougherty

Soccer player; decent guy, but not above cheating on his girlfriend if the opportunity arises, because he knows he's desirable


Chris Love

Soccer player, creative guy; total player, seducer


Cole Parker

Soccer player; easily startled by girls so is fresh to a relationship and more than a little panicked by it



Jeremiah James

Soccer player; serious guy with ambitions and pressures, and likely to hold himself back from any but a serious relationship


Michael Rodriguez

Soccer player; still gawky and unsteady with girls


Nathan Ford

Soccer player; shy with girls, but responds if she breathes on him hard enough


Tyler Rawls

Soccer player; drifts in and out of casual, brief relationships


Tony Peterson

Wrestler, but a sensitive and standoffish one; likely torn between his hormones and a desire to do right by a girl.


Michael Hale

Sloppy middle-class kid, reasonably smart, insecure, but doggedly keen to get a good girlfriend.


Tyler Burns

Upper class, AP type, too filled with insecurities and sex drive to be really attractive


Patrick Currier

Upper class country club type. Broke up with a girl four months ago, ready for something casual but will pretend to be serious -- and might become serious if it's the right girl.


Brianna Kirschke

Band girl; serious-minded, looking for a guy who will respect and support her and who she thinks worthy of respect and support


Hermione Gilbert

Band girl; thinking long range in terms of husband potential


Corale Weaver

Basketball girl; if you can figure out a guy for her, more power to you. She will want one, but she won't put up for any shit from him.


Nell Hammond

Basketball girl; See Corale Weaver above


Samantha Carpenter

Basketball girl; in the market for a long-time thing with a serious, clean-cut guy


Meredith Klein

Basketball girl; if she has a boyfriend it will be a long-time thing, but maybe she's being strung along and secretly realizes it

Characters established as NOT being in a relationship

Emma Witkin

Melanie Saxon

Philippa Hosford (??)

Brianna Gould

Fatima Zahedi

Jelena Petrovic

Sienna Goldman

Andrea Varnsworth

Bethany Lewis

Jamie Bornholm

Olivia Byrne

Gracie McGraw

Morgana Hollis

Missy Taylor

Sophia Wilson

Sarah McDonald

Wendy Silbert

Lotte Linde

Karen Rogers

Shelby Ho

Stephanie Wyatt

Molly Shaw

Faith Becker

Mindy McAdams

Vanessa Bailey

Elle Moore

Ceres Kesey

Jordana Trujillo

Dorothy Harmon

Mia DeWitt

Kim Walsh

Cassie Harper

Beth Tanner

Brooke Galloway

Deanna Showalter

Rachel Burton

Abby Derr

Brent Pruitt

Justin Roth

Perry Small

Shep Tsosie

David Kirkham

Gary Chen

Jamie Rennerhoff

Lester Pozniak

Josiah Shank

Philip Fairfax

Carlos Montoya

Michael Hollister

Erik Carstairs

Scott Bickelmeir

Laurent Delacroix

Alec Brown

Martin Gardinhire

Mark Kinley

Tim Gerard

Dane Matthias

Mark Szymanski

Eric Murphy

Tim Ryan

Matt Reston

Characters who have *not* had relationships established

and which for various reasons I would prefer to remain unattached

unless one develops as part of the story

Emily Sparks

Rachel Bell

Kristy Suffolk

Katy Conlee

Hope Bianucci

Meghan Velasquez

Barbara Powell

Dominique Hughes

Wendy Terrill

Danielle Davis

Susie Lekuawehe

Reece Palendech

Isaac Adler

Nathan Hall

Dalton Douglas

Jacob May

Pedro Delao

Antonio Sanchez

Shawn Saxe

Brian Tummler

Carl Dortbruch

Brad Murphy

Jeb Ash

Lukos Arjis

Marcus Ansell

Noah Lepley

Oscar Cantu

Chris Ratliff

Dylan Lloyd

Jack Li

Spencer Osbourne

Characters who have yearnings and inclinations but no relationships

[notes by rugal]

Mia DeWitt - Not necessarily looking for anything right now and has fun flirting but wouldn't be adverse to dating either. The guy would have to make the first move though and maybe have to realize that her rather capricious nature could mean a relationship could always be over as quickly as it starts.

Aria Giordano - Was dating Anthony Johnson from the swim team until she realized/admitted that she's a lesbian; they remain good friends though. Is attracted to Kerri Mullen and knows she has no shot but feels she needs to tell her so she can start being honest about herself. Everything's too new to her to know what she'd want yet.

Reagan Hackett - Likely heavily flirty with someone (or multiple people). Likes to have fun and party so any guy would need to keep up with her.

Dorothy Harmon has a crush on Will too. Only difference is that Dorothy is also fairly loose; she wants to settle into a more serious relationship but unless it's with the guy she really wants then she's fine just sleeping around and doesn't really let her reputation bother her.

Cassie Harper, obviously, has a crush on Will.

Shelby Ho - No boyfriend, feels attraction to plenty of guys but doesn't really think about it seriously right now. Like Ellie she's more committed to the volleyball team than a relationship at the moment.

Michael Hollister, Josie Holden and Christine Coolidge - Lumping these three together for a reason and it's probably a bit of a spoiler but whatever. Josie and Christine are close friends and Christine got her into doing drama stuff last year while she was looking for an elective. Mike helped Josie as she was starting and Josie's started developing feelings for him. However Mike likes Christine and doesn't seem to look at Josie as anything more than a friend. Christine is aware of this and wants to help Josie but doesn't feel like its her place to talk to Mike about how Josie feels. Christine would like a boyfriend but isn't interested in Mike.

Philippa Hosford thinks Marc Garner's a hunk but doesn't really hold any illusions about dating him. Domenic Johnson likes Philippa but is too nervous to tell her and Philippa is completely oblivious to it... or any attention she may or may not receive.

Bailey Keane - Has seen Will at the comic shop and thinks he's cute. Would maybe be willing to enter into something casual with other people as well but really wants to talk to him.

Ellie Kemp - Boys like her but confidence issues mean that she doesn't really believe/is ignorant of it. She'd like to have a boyfriend, they'd just have to be aware that the volleyball team is her big focus right now.

Paris Morrow - Seemingly a lesbian in denial (she insists she's bisexual but hasn't shown interest in guys so far). She tends to be the shy and quiet type but once she's familiar with people she loosens up and allows her naturally goofy personality to come out. Doesn't really know what she wants from a partner but is certainly looking for someone. Is somewhat enamored by Cecilia Fletcher who plays in the jazz band as well as Sienna Goldman and Jelena Petrovic as she thinks they're all cool; may or may not have minor crushes on them. Has an almost overwhelming crush on Jenny Ashton however. Probably a little more immature than she thinks of herself.

Peyton Morrow - Paris' straight-as-an-arrow twin sister. Has had a few boyfriends in the past but is currently single. She's already on the lookout for someone else though. Is fine with things being casual with some fooling around and hasn't really considered anything truly serious.

Gloria Rea - Association with Chelsea and a seemingly cold personality scares people off. In reality is a whole mess of issues bubbling below the surface, especially a large amount of self-loathing. Wants a relationship (and to break away from Chelsea) but any potential partner has to be willing to be confident yet delicate with her.

Jolene Rooney - Traditional-minded girl in terms of a relationship. Wants someone who's serious and thinking long-term and maybe a little outdoorsy too.

Whitney Rosenthal - 100% committed to academics and has no interest at all in anything that could distract her, relationships included.

Lacey Salter - Is in the process of looking, however any relationship she's in has to be serious; she won't just enter things casually.

Kayla Shea - Off and on dalliances. She can be a little domineering so while she'd like a serious boyfriend she unintentionally drives them off.

Jordana Trujillo... long time crush on Karl Hennepin but things like romance don't come easy for her so she never felt comfortable enough to work up the courage to ask him out. Karl's relationship with Kelsey is a rather large source of her pissy attitude at the moment.

Kim Walsh very much wants a relationship but feels like her position just doesn't allow for it. Of course her position also causes boys to think she's unapproachable. As was said she'd really like it if people remembered that she's a normal person and would treat her like a normal girl.

Regina Yost - Spent time away from dating and looking to get back in. Has been jerked around by guys in the past so if you're a player don't even bother.

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