Reflections and ruminations from a modern day Alice - Life is Wonderland |
"Blogging Circle of Friends " DAY 2179: November 6, 2018 Prompt: Write about Emptiness Emptiness can be a dangerous and isolating feeling. There are times when life seems devoid of the kinds of joy and activity that keeps the wheels in motion. If you give in to the feeling, it can pull you down. I've been fortunate to never know the battle with chronic depression. I get depressed and overwhelmed but I can typically work through it either by writing or forcing myself into an activity to distract me from feeling catastrophic about things. I can understand the struggle so many people face however who are unable to pull themselves free of that bleakness. I have such empathy for people who feel themselves to be trapped in the dark and empty spaces of this life. I tell my daughter that it is so important to always be kind, to default to kindness because we can never know the battles someone is waging inside. "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise" Day 1786--November 6, 2018 Prompt: Information Do you like being informed about everything there is, and what do people mean by “too-much-information”? And how much Information Is too much information? I am a typical type A personality and by default I feel compelled to "know" everything. Closed door meetings of which I am not included, give me anxiety. Finding out the details after the fact, or just a bit too late, is a huge frustration for me at work. I make it my business to know all the information I can, it is the best defense against things going wrong or out of one's control. The phrase "too much information" in my opinion refers to strictly personal things. My sister, though I love her to pieces, is sometimes a too-much-information type person. I can't tell you how many times I had to listen to her description of some gross detail she had to deal with at her doggie daycare, or self-surgery she participated in. There are many things I would be inclined to keep to myself on a personal level for sure. If something makes me feel queasy or uncomfortable, I would definitely label it "too much information". |