This Blog isn't just for my scriptwriting Projects. It's also for my other activities. |
It Has Been a Good Day for Wandita Like the title for this Blog entry say, it has been a good day for Wandita. I got three parts, what the industry call sections, of the first Chapter, aka Introduction, for my novel Wandita done today. That’s a little over three thousand words. That is before I do any editing. Which I might, or I might not do before I Create it for my novel folder. After the first ten pages, I added it up and the total for them is 2,452. That’s an average of two hundred and forty-five words per page with a twenty-four line per page that equals about ten words per line. It’s a little bit more than that usually because I’m doing a one-inch border on all sides. Which equals sixty-five character per line. I’m going to save it in a separate file with a sixty-character line. I don’t know if I will do it after each chapter or if I will do it once the novel is done, or if I will do it depending on the publisher’s guidelines. Anything is possible right now. Why have I gotten so much written today? Part of that reason is that I have been working on this Chapter for the last couple of days. All I needed to do is beef it up to four pages each instead of two. That’s probably not the main reason why, though. I forgot to take my cell phone to work with me today. So, I had no television or movies to distract me. Who knows whether it’s the last couple of days or it’s because of my cell phone, but cares. All that matters are how much writing I have gotten done today so far. Will I write some more after I get home from work? Probably not. Especially if I must work some OT tonight too. I’m supposed to be released on time tonight with a new guard that’s supposed to train her tonight, but it’s almost the end of my shift and they still aren’t here yet. If I do get home at a halfway decent time I might still work on this novel today, but I probably won’t. I will finish it off tomorrow. At least I hope that I do. Will I Create It on WDC then? I haven’t decided that yet, but I will probably most likely wait until I get the first Introduction Chapter for Jessica Strong done too.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What you are about to read (see) is true. Nothing needed to be changed. After all, this has already been translated into a language that we all know and understand - English (German, French, Italian, Russian etc.). |