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The Sunday News: Thoughts and Opinions of a Headline: From The Guardian: Trump Derangement Syndrome The week America went mad.![]() ![]() ![]() I liked the article that the Guardian published. It has a lot of links, some of which I followed. It also withstood the comparison with some of the information I am watching on PBS News. About Trump: I don't necessarily disagree with some of his ideas. In "The Israel Lobby" and US Foreign Policy by John J. Mearshiemer and Stephen Walt I read that Israel dropped by 80% the violence by building the wall that doesn't keep people out it helps regulate who and how many enter the country and when they enter the country. So, Israel is working toward satisfying the needs of the social and economics of the area and give people access to a more peaceful less violent life. The heart of the politics in that country desires to make a better environment for the people who depend on government regulation to provide it. That is my wall theory about why President Trump decided building a wall was important. His mistake was who was going to pay for it? This was similar to infant audacity on his part. President Trump speaks as though he is in his political Infancy and the country is listening to everything he says. Plus, the country was used to the speeches made by President Obama who was an expert orator and was able to draw people in and speak to them as if he was their favorite uncle. One who was trying to give everyone a pat on the back and some wise advice. Look at President Bush who held the position before President Obama. He was the, we have to get tough president and unpopular with his ideas about interrogation. But, he loved the children, No Child Left Behind, policies woke up the public about how our schools were falling behind because of teaching policies. We probably need better relations with Russia. Trump does not appear to be up on politics as they apply to the USA. So, when an experienced politician like Putin puts across some idea that may seem accurate President Trump agrees with him and later finds out the extent of meaning implied simply isn't in the best interest of the USA. So, he back tracks in front of the camera which is always watching, then he back tracks to try to put his meaning in order. This makes the public yell, "What is actually happening in Washington?" I have not yet taken the time to research why Putin was kicked out of NATO to begin with and what is needed by the Russians to reinstate the country as an Allie. Putin is a strong adversary. He has political savvy that comes from many years in office. He is under the table, under handed and needs to be watched. President Trump seems to admire the man for his abilities without realizing such abilities come from many years of experience for a different country, Russia. I'm sure we aren't looking to be a Russian annex. President Trump simply does not seem to have any idea how the Presidency was intended to be run. It is not a kingship. It was designed to give the public and other countries a personal approach to the USA without having the powers of a king. Our congress was designed to discuss the issues, make the laws, help the President in his representation of the USA. He is suppose to have a cabinet of advisors who research every faction of the issues, but that isn't how this is presently working because President Trump disagrees with advisors more often than not. If it's true that we are in an 80 percent chance of war with North Korea there are a lot of other countries playing President Trump and just watching his game. Right now it seems as if it is President Trump against North Korea, China, and Russia who are allies. Literally for awhile, I just thought the republicans were trying to wake up the country like they did when Reagan and the Bushes were in office. Now, I'm not so sure. Ripping children away from their parents, and losing track of their parents seems to far fetched for just a mild shaking of the country out of doldrums. In the days of Reagan my family was financially destitute we struggled with growing our own milk, meat, vegetables and heat for winter. There wasn't a hint of health insurance. I watched the news every morning while the family was in school and at work. I'm don't have political opinions as much as I try to analyses what is coming out of the information base. I've lost my ability to analyze facts because a lot of the books I would like to read about the situation are simply financially out of reach. I am not getting books from the library about present politics because so many people are waiting in line for the eBooks available. Actually, I believe what is coming out of the information base is constantly misleading and of course, that's irritating. Bi-partisanship is necessary because this is a nation of a melting pot. So, is Israel. Really look at our congress. It is made up of males, females, Christians, Muslims, Blacks, Whites, Spanish, Asians, Catholics, protestants etc. Rather than make Israel polices better, moving the White House Embassy to Jerusalem seems to be a war like move to put Israel and violence back in the lime light. Another idea that is bad is to constantly blame every problem on President Obama or Hillary Clinton. Both of whom are no longer involved openly in decision making policies in Washington. Again this kind of rhetoric makes President Trump look like a bully teenager on the playground. I agree with Thumper's mom, "If you can't say something accurate and redemptive don't say nothing at all." |