A collection of the more egregious falsehoods told by President Trump and his minions. |
Dear General Kelly Pronunciation seems to be the key. America, with emphasis on “me,” does not reflect the values that I hold. My freedoms are worth more than your fool’s gold. America’s not yours. It’s ours, it’s shared. I hear your hidden hate and I am scared that the cancer of intolerance you preach disfigures this great land with every speech. You speak in words designed to raise my fear as though a stranger who might come to near is somehow someone to be shunned or banned simply because they’re from a foreign land. I walk the hallowed ground at Arlington and see the names emblazoned on each stone. Garcia, Kim, Batista, and Chen Liu. These “strangers” paid the highest price for you. We are a nation, built upon a creed that together we are stronger. What we need are leaders who believe in what we are: America is freedom’s shining star. Today's scandal comes from White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly. In a new interview with NPR, Kelly complained that immigrants crossing the border weren't good fits because they "don't have skills" and "don't speak English." Kelly doesn't want unskilled immigrants, just like his ancestors. |