The Saga of Prosperous Snow Continues |
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
The "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise" prompt for DAY 1575 What can be the source of relationship adversities and do you believe that relationship adversities (any kind of relationship: parent-child, lovers, husband-wife, teacher-student, etc.) can often spring from other earlier adversities or do they just happen on their own? Relationship Adversities Where do relationship adversities spring from? The duality of human nature, and people's attachment to their own desires and/or opinions. Human beings have a body and a soul. The soul, or spirit, is a gift from the creator, and is part of the spiritual (nonphysical) creation. The human body is a part of the material or physical creation. The soul and body come into association at the moment of conception; in the womb of the mother the body develops all the attributes it needs to live in the material or physical world. After the child is born into this physical world, the soul begins to develop the attributes it needs to survive in the spiritual world. This is where relationship adversities come into play, because the material/physical ego of the individual wants its own way in everything. Once the ego becomes attached to a desire and/or opinion, it does not want to let go; rather it wants its own way. Learning to let go of personal or the ego's wants is part of the growing process that strengths the soul. Letting go of personal wants or opinions is not easy, but it is a necessary part of the spiritual growth of the individual. |