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Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #2072393
The catch-all for items related to and/or inspired by the music that shaped me.
#926174 added January 2, 2018 at 8:55pm
Restrictions: None
No One Loves Me & Neither Do I

*Partyhato* "What is/was your favorite part of the New Year celebrations? Fireworks, music, highlights of the past year, getting together with friends?"

What's up you guys? Welcome to 2018! Let's all stop and give thanks for a moment that the year hasn't been ruined yet by something petty and useless *Laugh*. One foot in front of the other.

My NYE was...quiet. I'm pretty sure in fact that I was asleep before midnight, which was amazing because that means I slept through whatever fireworks the town decided to blow off (assuming they did, but it was like single-digit frigid here). I think this is the fifth New Years I've lived in Cortland, and I tend to forget that they do the whole fireworks and ball-drop downtown, even when I lived pretty much on the opposite corner of where they do it.

Also, fireworks suck. Fight me.

Also also, remember how 2016 sucked because of all the cool people who died and America turned into everyone's racist uncle who isn't even trying to hide it anymore? Turned out Cortland saw it coming, because we weren't even two days into the year and the 2016 sign was already broken.

The year was doomed from the start.

But that's neither here nor there. I wanted to be pretty much left alone, and I got it *Delight*. Besides, most every news show and publication and website rolls out their yearly Best Of lists by like Thanksgiving now anyway, which is for me like the second-best part of another year falling into the abyss. By Christmas I've got "year-end fatigue" and I'm sick of reliving it. Where does the time go in between "This is gonna be a good year!" and "Shit, it's over already, and it was not a good year."?

This all might sound like I'm miserable, but I'm not, I swear. And now I don't know if I'm trying to convince you, or me *Smirk*.

The Original Logo.

*DragonflyY* "Tell us what annoys you most about yourself."

Man, I don't even know where to begin. This is what I get for coming up with a prompt before I let others convince me that I should be joining them in the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUSOpen in new Window. fun. Which, it bears repeating: This has gotta be the best round ever in terms of people who have won or placed in previous rounds. When I saw the signups coming in I was awed...like a family reunion and you're all the cool cousins I don't get to hang out with anymore cuz of my shitty racist uncle, Life, that I was talking about in the previous segment. Ok, niceties aside...moving on...

Yeah, pick all the different annoying things and write them on any wall in my apartment and spin me around, and the first wall I walk into is probably what's up my ass that day. As if walking into walls isn't annoying enough *Rolleyes*. Yesterday it was my terrible relationship with food. The day before, it was my inability to socialize coupled with my hatred of almost everybody. Today, it's the fact that it's not even 2pm yet and I've already given up on the day pretty much, cuz I had things I wanted to do but it was snowing and dreary out and saying "fuck this" was a lot easier when I woke up than actually waiting things out with any degree of optimism.

And the thing is, I don't think any of you are judging me over the shit I get annoyed at myself over; I just can't help it. Like, before I went to my mom's for Christmas, I cleaned out my fridge because I didn't wanna deal with skanky leftovers once I got home...only, I forgot about the lettuce I had in the vegetable drawer and thought of it a few times while I was gone. I've been home since Thursday. And by now that lettuce probably looks like Frosty The Snowman took a dump in that drawer and went merrily on Christmas-ing everywhere else. What am I doing about it? Telling you about it. And I'll probably forget about it the next six times I'm up and poking around in the fridge, only to remind myself about it once I'm safely tucked into my bed for the night. Why? No idea. Not like some of y'all don't have science experiments goin' on in your refrigerators! But I'm outraged, and also outraged at my lack of doing the right thing about it.

Why are we so flawed that we get upset at ourselves about things 99% of the people who love us wouldn't give a fuck about? Maybe we're good people most of the time, except for that one time we didn't realize we weren't, and yet that's all we remember? Now I feel like I'm living in a cycle of perpetual self-annoyance, which is also this annoying thing I do to myself. Thanks a lot, you guys *Rolleyes*. Glad to be back with all y'all. *Heart*

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"No One Loves Me & Neither Do I"  Open in new Window. -Them Crooked Vultures

"And I said, 'no one loves me, neither do I'.
It makes perfect sense, so I never ask why."

*Bird* Ok, I know it's not true so don't remind me. Maybe it's just a "current mood" type of thing. Also, it's probably a good thing I'm seeing my therapist this week *Laugh*. Nothing makes you question the questioning of your self-diagnosed deficiencies like a trip to the mental health clinic!

For the blog.

*Books3* Current reading: The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fuck  Open in new Window. by Mark Manson. Cuz oh, ya know...just sittin' here workin' on myself *Laugh*.

*Mailb* Guys! Go bid on stuff here! All kindsa cool stuff...like, I just moved into an apartment in November (kinda a big deal, that) and my walls are pretty bare, so I'm angling for some artwork this time. But you can get handwritten poems and stories, cards, physical MBs, books...all from WDC friends!
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The Snail Mail Auction Open in new Window. (13+)
Do you like snail mail? Always wanted a signed story or poem by a WDC author? Come on in!
#2104680 by Kit Author IconMail Icon

*Confettip* And finally, if you're neurotic like me, let's all laugh at our anxiety  Open in new Window. like the insane bastards we (probably) aren't.

That's enough outta me for today, you guys. I swear I'm not really that miserable. I just don't know to what degree yet I'm also lying about it *Laugh*. Thanks for playin'! Peace, you're gonna lose control, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

This guy rules.

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