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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/925951-Letting-Go
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#925951 added December 29, 2017 at 7:04pm
Restrictions: None
Letting Go
Prompt: As the year closes, one of the most courageous decisions you’ll ever make is to finally let go of what is hurting your heart and soul.
Can you make the changes needed to begin the new year with a fresh start? Or is it safer to stay with what feels safe or familiar?


I don’t much dwell on the past. Most of the time, when something hurtful takes place, I try to deal with it there and at that time. If I can’t, then I focus on the present. Actually, I always focus on the present. That’s one reason most of my work is unrevised, btw. *Rolling*

For me, every day is a fresh start. I don’t do new year’s resolutions or such stuff, either. That would be living in the future. If I did and couldn’t live up to my standards, I’d feel the hurt. That’s why I stay away from long-term goals. In short, I try to protect myself from hurts that come either from the outside or the inside.

On the other hand, I don’t stay with what feels safe or familiar either. I like new challenges and new ventures, as long as something catches my interest, and I tend to it at that moment, but I don’t push myself around by planning. For example, I don't say I’ll write 10 novels in the next year or I’ll redo my kitchen eight months later. That isn’t going to happen because I won’t start writing or attempting anything unless something catches my interest at the moment.

If a hurt has set its tentacles in a person and he or she has let the years pass and hasn’t done anything about it, it might be very difficult to erase its pain. The best way, then, might be to still focus on the present and let the hurt take its course in fading away.

tiny heart

Dec. 28
Prompt: Sky Country. Anywhere that isn't a city, where you can see a blue sky, mountains and woods. Write what you want about this.


If I could touch the sky,
feel the softness of clouds,
embrace a mountain,
inhale the green of the woods,
would I be infused with infinity?

But then, why would I, the created,
attempt big things? That charming wholeness
is not a person, but the loss of a person,
so, I’m letting go of my radical imagination
to just concentrate on doing the dishes.

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