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Notes for a personal memoir: Nurse escapes from healthcare in pursuit of passion. |
Template copied from one by Fancy (77) FYI - I go ALL OUT when profiling/interviewing my characters. Here is the template I use. I know its pretty extensive. This would only be useful for those who really want to get to know their characters in-depth. CHARACTER INTERVIEW / PROFILE Name: undecided Background Birthday: Nov 10 Place of birth: Chicago Parents: Jean (Imogene) and Jerome Webb What was important to the people who raised him: Dad: Hard-work, Mom: Catholicism, Art. Siblings: Older brother, Dave. Younger sister, Cindy. Economic/social status growing up: Lower Middle class Ethnic background: predominantly European-Caucasian, a Little Native American Places lived: South suburbs of Chicago, three years in Wisconsin, one month each summer: France 16 summers Current address and phone number:... Education: B.S in Nursing, church ministries minor, presently in Grad School: MAAT Favorite subject in school: HS geometry, art Special training: nursing, urodynamicist Jobs:33 years RN, 3 years receiving clerk Handy Andy home improvement store, Concession/ticket girl at Diana Theater, Page in a library. Travel: France every summer for 16 years, short trips to Scotland, England, Ireland. US: New England primarily. Friends: Mentor passed 2007. Barb long-time church friend. (initially doesn't listen well) Donna recently divorced, 4 sons, fellow nurse. How do people view this character: Kind, willing, a worker. creative Lives with: husband, Joel, 30 years. Fights with: husband, self, rules/corporation of urology. Spends time with: self, dogs, art-making. a little with spouse. Wishes to spend time with: spouse, kids, friends Who depends on him and why: employers, somewhat: dependable, willing, hard-worker, compassionate. What people does he most admire: balanced lives, creative/skillful, articulate Enemies: bureaucracy. entitlement culture. Dating, marriage: it's complicated Children: Ann, 35, Andrew, 28, (April, 27)(Naomi, died before birth(Hannah, almost 3, Emma, 1)Nate, 26 (Laura, 23-25?), Josh, 24. Relationship with God: believer. Overall outlook on life: hopeless at times, depressed, tired, sad, but Sees beauty and relishes sharing it with others. appears more positive than she is. Does this character like himself: good question. I think, yes. What, if anything, would he like to change about his life: Do work that is satisfying, and not futile, or less conflictual What personal demons haunt him: difficulty with personal boundaries, allows others to step on and use her, minimizes own abilities. Is he lying to himself about something: Maybe, that she wants to do Anything. that she is passionate about art therapy.? Optimistic/pessimistic: more toward pessismistic. Real/feigned: Real Morality level: high standards and expectations. Confidence level: low. Typical day: overly busy, doesn't get the "regular daily things" done she tells herself she wants to do: Bible reading, prayer, exercise, plan and eat regular meals, write notes to ones she cares about, creative writing, or art-making... time with spouse. Physical appearance Body type: average, slightly overweight. Posture: poor at the desk, good when with patients. Head shape: oval Eyes: blue Nose: straight, slightly wide? Mouth: small Hair: White, thick, wavy/curly shoulder length Skin: fair Tattoos/piercings/scars: pierced ears. second piercing on left ear only in memory of daughter, ANN, after giving away to adoption. Voice: low pitched. What people notice first: thick white hair, blue eyes? Clothing: lives in scrubs, or casual, somewhat artsy. Favorite rainbow sleeved sweater, tye-dyed skirt. How would he describe himself: ? Health/disabilities/handicaps: glasses, sleep apnea, snores Characteristics Personality type (choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholy): melancholy Strongest/weakest character traits: persistence, judgment, integrity vs fear, low esteem, critical/judging, ruminates, mind-reading How can the flip side of his strong point be a weakness: stubborn, haughty/narcissistic How much self-control and self-discipline does he have: lots and little, wavers. What makes him irrationally angry: inconsistent rules, unrealistic work expectations, me-first people, entitlement attitudes. What makes him cry: everything: commercials, movies, books, people, news, ceremonies, babies. Fears: exposure as incompetent, displeasure, anger. Talents: ? What people like best about him: genuineness Interests and favorites Political leaning: conservative Collections: arts supplies, glass Food, drink: Coffee. Chocolate. Music: Instrumental, Joe Hisaishi!!!, Carrie Newcomer, John Denver: ballads, Books: Movies: Sports, recreation: walking, running, bike riding, horse riding. Did he play in school: no. Color: blues, greens... Best way to spend a weekend: relax/work at home, maybe with spouse around. garden, walk, putter in the house, de-cluttering. A great gift for this person: gift card for books. chocolate. Pets: dogs, cat Vehicles: old, mostly broken down. had a Karmann Ghia. '74 convertible. What large possessions does he own (car, home, furnishings, boat, etc.) home, furnishings. and which does he like best: broken red naughahyde couch. Typical expressions When happy: When angry: When frustrated: "Fut" When sad: Idiosyncrasies: Laughs or jeers at: Ways to cheer up this person: Ways to annoy this person: Hopes and dreams: work she enjoys and feels is worthwhile. How does he see himself accomplishing these dreams: school. What’s the worst thing he’s ever done to someone and why: tongue lashing husband. anger, resentment. jeaulousy. Greatest success: completed half-marathons, marathons, 3-day walks, pursued/accepted relationships with kids as they are. Biggest trauma: Daughter to adoption, years of fear at work culminating in dismissal one day. Most embarrassing thing that ever happened to him: bleeding in shorts during a half-marathon. What does he care about most in the world: Does he have a secret: If he could do one thing and succeed at it, what would it be: He is the kind of person who: What do you love most about this character: Why will the reader sympathize with this person right away: her sensitivity in a brusque/stress-filled environment. How is the character ordinary or extraordinary: girl next door. How is his situation ordinary or extraordinary: many feel trapped/burned out in work. Art Therapy is not a well-known field. It helps in a non-clinical environment (I hope) Core Need: Corresponding psychological maneuver (delusions, obsessions, compulsions, addictions, denials, hysterical ailments, hypochondria, illnesses, behaviors harming the self, behavior harming others, manias, and phobias): Anecdote (defining moment): History: |