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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/920827-Sporting-Events-and-Anthems-and-First-Day-of-a-season
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#920827 added September 24, 2017 at 2:30pm
Restrictions: None
Sporting Events and Anthems and First Day of a season
PROMPT: Are national anthems before sporting events really necessary? What purpose do they serve the average in-attendance fan before the game?

Something needs to be there to remind the folks that a game is about to begin. Otherwise, they wouldn’t pay attention to what’s going on the field and miss some of the action, which would lead to audience apathy.

A national anthem, however, should be spared for national days and celebrations, in my opinion. This way, public disrespect to the symbols of a nation may be avoided.

As an alternative, maybe someone should come up with a sports anthem to be used everywhere in the world because other nations, also, use their anthems before their sporting events.


Prompt: What did you do on the first day of fall or spring depending on where you live? Share your ordinary or maybe not so ordinary day with us.

I think the first day of celebrating any season is from much earlier eras when people depended on the seasons for their food production and other welfare, before the greenhouses, factories, and such stuff were invented. Sometimes people celebrated those days by also attaching a religious concept to them.

As for me, the first day of any season is just another day. While I lived up north, I know a few first days of spring when a snowstorm was raging. The first day of fall where I now live is just as hot or quirky as in August.

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