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You never know what you'll find - humor, ramblings, rants, randomness- it's all me! |
Barry Manilow is Distracting Me If I am unable to blog coherently tonight, I am putting the blame on Barry Manilow. He is currently singing "Even Now" on the seventies station. Retro Saturday, ya'll. I'm not saying I don't enjoy a little Barry now and then, it's just this song is distracting me. See, I was going to write on the complex issue of why my dog, Laynie, enjoys rolling in huge horse poopies - otherwise known as manure, feces, excrement, shit, horse marbles, the brown grapefruit. (You get the picture.) But, how can I attempt such a serious issue with Barry belting out Evvvvvveeeennnn NOOOOOOWW! I found myself wondering if he feels as passionate as he is making it sound. And then my mind wonders what I feel that passionate about if provided he's not faking it; which, hey, haven't we all at one time or another. Oh my gosh, where is the remote?! Now it's the Jackson 5 sounding like they are on crack talking about going back to Indiana. I'm pretty sure Michael wasn't in support of that song. I don't think Indiana times were necessarily his happiest. What can't Ike Turner say his 'r's on the word turning in Rolling on the River. I'm sorry to be so critical tonight. Trust me, I'm not singer and I do enjoy the seventies but give me some Kansas or Styx or the Guess Who. Maybe, my creative mind is just rebelling because it didn't want to write about my dog smelling like the backside of a stallion with dysentery. My thoughts are so fickle. . . and slightly disturbing as I try to think of myself as semi-normal. It's Manilow's fault I tell you. Seriously, if he had been singing about the Copa Cabana, it would have been your average my dog smells like horse hiney and seems quite proud of it. Speaking of dogs, I guess I should feed them. Plus, I have a feeling I'm going to look back on this blog and . . . well, not think it was exactly profound. I can't smile without you, Audra |