Follow my struggles and triumphs as I attempt to gain a healthy lifestyle. |
Wow! I can't believe how quickly 10 days have passed me by. I feel I have made a few accomplishments in this short amount of time. The first one is that I am hardly drinking anything other than, green tea, water, and crystal light. I am trying to limit my consumption of crystal light just because last time I checked it contained aspartame. Over all I feel I am doing very well with staying away from high calorie beverages and am happy to report this. The next accomplishment I am thrilled with is that my husband and I have not been eating out as regularly as before. It's better for our budget and our waistlines! When we were first married I felt we had to eat out every night. Only because that is how I grew up. My mother rarely cooked, resulting in me feeling like eating out was the only option. I have came a very long way, now our goal is to only eat out once a week. Lastly, I believe although my evening snacking is still a huge struggle, I have made a very small accomplishment. At the beginning of the 10 days I was sitting in front of the TV every night with a bag of junk food and consuming nearly the whole thing. Now I have put all my snack foods in individual baggies and even though I still go to the snack cupboard more than I want to, I believe I'm consuming less than before. Eventually I will get a handle on my snacking and not snack as much. Yesterday- Yesterday started off very well. I tried to keep track of everything I ate and did a great job until about 5pm. We had a few things change with our cable package, resulting in a maintenance man having to come to our house. He arrived a little after 4pm and didn't leave until after 6pm. The time I normally cook supper. It always makes me nervous when strangers like that come into our house because I'm afraid they are scoping out our home looking for things they could steal. I should of had a roast or something cooking while he was here, so we could have eaten as soon as he left. unfortunately, I wasn't that prepared and after he left we went to Smokey D's to have some yummy BBQ. I worked on getting chapter 1 finished in my book and I am very close to completing it. Hopefully I will be able to upload it soon. |