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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/907462-Springtimesoon
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #2017254
My random thoughts and reactions to my everyday life. The voices like a forum.
#907462 added March 23, 2017 at 10:14pm
Restrictions: None
PROMPT: The Wildcard Round! What are some of your favourite things about springtime?
          Well, my 'mostest' favourite thing about Spring is that it isn't winter, not any more. It means Winter has finally worn out its welcome, and grown weary of hurling ice and snow at us. I know that every year, Winter has to give up its grip, and relinquish the reins to Springtime, but each passing year this transition seems to stumble at a snail's pace. Snow melts infuriatingly slowly. Great, now I envision gazillions of snowflake snails...
         Oh, it feels so freeing to chuck the heavy clothing and boots. It really is shrugging the weight from my shoulders. There's a new spring to my step, a bounce, 'cause I'm no longer struggling through snowdrifts, and against walloping winds. I no longer must spend thirty minutes struggling into my cold-weather gear. Departing home is simpler.
          The neighbours/locals congregate outside more in the Spring. Without their disguises of toques and mufflers, they are more readily identifiable. I'm able to really see people now. No one is dressed as a potential bank robber with a balaclava. The voices I recognize have a complimentary face. Smiles are more evident. We tend to linger when we need not fear freezing to death.
         Hallelujah! Now I can just climb into my vehicle, and go, anywhere. I will not miss the considerable time and effort spent brushing and scraping my windshield, or the shovelling it took to create a path to my car. Oh, I especially appreciate that my slips and falls should lessen in frequency!
          Nothing beats the longer daylight hours. Winter is often so grey and gloomy. The increased warmth of the sun is heavenly. My pale skin laps up the extra Vitamin D.
         I like the increased bird chatter. They always sound so busy and happy. All the trees and bushes sprout buds promising foliage. Flowers magically spring up, a lovely riot of colour; crocuses, daffodils, tulips. Hopefully, it will be ideal conditions for lilacs.
         The family birthdays begin with my youngest daughter's in March. Then my eldest daughter's day is in April. Carrie's due date had been April 1st, but for some reason that date didn't agree with her. She instead made her grand entrance near Easter with my father-in-law suggesting we christen her 'Bunny'. Nothing like a stripper tag for his first grandchild. My maternal Nanny was also an April child. My middle child, a son, and I favour June for our birthdays. Oh, how could I forget? My eldest granddaughter was born In May, as was my paternal grandfather, my father, and my mother-in-law. So, Springtime is an excuse to celebrate the people I love.
         If it is indeed Springtime it heralds the return of camping, campfires, boating, and more. I have just one wish. I wish that the dragonflies hasten their arrival because all too soon their main meal, the blood-thirsty blackflies, will be swarming us mercilessly.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/907462-Springtimesoon