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Weapons I have already told you about weapons terminologies. And even a little bit about what these weapons fire. But I haven’t gone into the technical part of that firing. Don’t panic. I’m not going to get too technical. That’s not the way I write. At least not my stories. I’ve already talked about Laser Bullets, Laser Balls, Laser Bolts, and Laser Spears a little. But I haven’t told you what makes them different. Other than the obvious. They’re not completely different, though. They all have one thing in common. All of them have degrees of fire power that they can unleash when used. They all have four basic types of fire power: Paralyzing, Shocking, Death, and Devastation. What we call the stun setting on our Science Fiction weapons, most of the universe call them Paralyzing. It has the same affect. They paralyze you. The length of time can be different. Some it’s only a few seconds to a minute or two. But with most it’s several minutes up to about an hour or two. It all depends on who is doing the paralyzing. Not all weapons have a shocking setting. But most of them do. They are what we would call a stun setting. Only instead of freezing them, it shakes them up. Sometimes it’s just a little bit. And sometimes it’s a lot more. Like paralyzing, how long it last differs between weapons. Also like paralyzing, this type of setting isn’t usually life-threatening. But it can be. Especially if you are hit by it more than a few seconds. The most used setting is Death. It may be call something a little different depending on the weapon. But the result is still the same. The death setting means death. It can mean instant death. Usually followed quickly by them disappearing. Sometimes they turn to ash, dirt, skin, etc. before they disappear. It can also be a prolonged death. Those that are prolonged can vary between painful, agonizing, and painful and agonizing. The death setting is also the only one that has sub-settings so they can be used for a more painful death if they are used. Like the Shock setting, not all weapons have a devastation setting. At least not on their small weapons like hand weapons, long weapons, and multiple fire weapons. It more for the bigger ones like the Death Star in the Star Wars movies. But there are some devastating settings on the smaller weapons too. I’ll talk about the bigger ones here is a few seconds. Most of the weapons out there only have the two setting. Those are Paralyzing and Death. And like the Death setting there is sub-settings being used on the Paralyzing setting too. What do the Bullets, Balls, Bolts, and Spears look like is also different? But they are also basically the same too. Laser Bullets a small bullet sized round, sometimes squared, tube about a inch long. The color of those bullets also differs depending on the setting chosen. Paralyzing is a kind of blue, also depending on the sub-setting. And a kind of red for the Death settings. Also, depending on the sub-setting. If they have the Shocking and or the Devastation setting those colors differ depending on who is using them. Laser Balls can also differ in color depending on what setting has been set. But the color choices are usually the same for those setting. Blues for Paralyzing, Reds for Death, and different colors for Shocking and Devastation. The balls themselves can be different too. Some are the same size. But there are a lot where size depends on what kind of sub-setting is being used. There are even some that grow as they are being used too. Those are also usually with the bigger weapons. Both Laser Bolts and Laser Spears are basically the same thing. Only their length and titles are different. Laser Spears are about five to ten feet in length. All, appear like our spears with pointed ends. But Laser Bolts are about half the length of Laser Spears. Laser Bolts are usually jagged with one to three jags too. Most planets, races, etc. don’t use Laser Bolts or Laser Spears. It’s either Laser Bullets, Laser Balls, or with a few it’s both. But there are some out there that use either Laser Bolts or Laser Spears. What we call hand grenades most of the universe calls SpaceBombs. They are basically the same as our grenades in both sizes, shapes, and uses. The same is true with their other ground weapons like tanks, submarines, planes, helicopters, and weapon platforms. That’s what we call them. But they are called something different on other planets. And all the other planets have some, if not all, of them. They might even have a few we don’t have yet. Whatever they call called they perform in the same way. SpaceMines are exactly what they sound like. They are mines that are used in Space. What we called mines during world war one and especially two are the same as SpaceMines. Even the sizes, shapes, and destructive power are the same. Most of them also come in large groups like what we called mine fields. The only real difference between them and ours is that they are in Space. Death Bombs can come in different sizes too. They can be as small as a SpaceBomb or as big as a Death Star. But their destructive power is the same, total destruction. That’s why they exist. They are created for killing only a few individuals. No, they are created to kill thousands, millions, billions, whole planets. |