You're not ready for the truth. Then again, you probably never will be. |
January 11th, 2017, Sex Sex is a delicate subject that needs to be handled very carefully. It's the type of subject that could become XXX-rated very easily. But it won't be. At least not by me. I don't even write about sex in any detail in my stories. I'm the kind of writer that doesn't think that you need sex or sexually related words aka cursing to advance a story. Of Course, I would use them if I was writing an Erotica or pornographic story. So far, I haven't written any of either. And I don't plan on writing any. This is one genre that I don't like to write. I know that this is more of an entry for my PureSciFiPlus blog, 'What I Like to Write, What I don't like' but it's also a big part of this one. after all, sex is an everyday way of life for most individuals in the universe. At least it is for individuals about twelve or thirteen for males and about nine to eleven for girls. Unfortunately, on some planets, it's a little bit younger but on trillions of them it a few years older. it all depends on the planet you are talking about. A question about casual sex versus marital sex is a question that all of you have. The answer to that question is yes. It doesn't matter what kind of alien they are both kinds of sex is on most planets, moons, spaceships, etc. Every one of them focuses on and prefer marital sex only but that doesn't stop the casual sex from happening. True, it can usually be controlled or law enforced. But not always. The ones that don't have both only have marital sex. That doesn't mean there isn't casual sex. Especially among the young. Another question that a lot of you, if not most of you, have is how sex is performed. Is it done the same way that we do it here on Earth? The answer to that is yes and no. Obvious, it is for the other humans out there. But it's also true for about a hundred thousand other races too. It's not quite the same but physically it is. As for the rest of the races, it's not. There is another question that some of you might have about sex. And that is, "Are other races just as weird as some of us are?" What I am referring to isn't involving gays or lesbians. But some of it does involve what they do to each other. |