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Rated: 18+ · Book · LGBTQ+ · #2104679
My thoughts, rants, activities, etc.
#899761 added December 17, 2016 at 1:29am
Restrictions: None
Get to Know Me!
Here's a little bit about me. I love doing these! *Delight*

Q: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
A: I sleep in the living room, but when I was sleeping in our room, I tried to close it the most I can.

Q: Do you take the shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
A: Not that I remember to be honest.

Q: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
A: I sleep on the couch. *Laugh* In my bed though I had them out.

Q: Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
A: No. I'm not looking for trouble.

Q: Do you like to use post-it notes?
A: Yes!! They help me stay organized...until I lose them. *RollEyes*

Q: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
A: I don't but my mom cuts them and uses them. Not all of them.

Q: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?
A: Is neither an option??

Q: Do you have freckles?
A: I have a few random ones. A few on each arm and neck I think.

Q: Do you always smile for pictures?
A: Mostly. Even though it looks awkward.

Q: Do you perfer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
A: Behind it. I love photography!

Q: Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
A: I did at one point with a step counter. Now I just walk and hope that I'm losing weight. *Facepalm*

Q: Have you ever peed in the woods?
A: No. Never had too.

Q: Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing?
A: Psssh...nah. *Laugh* Kidding! Everyday!

Q: Do you chew your pens and pencils?
A: I used to. In public school.

Q: What size is your bed?
A: Couch size. *Laugh* My mattress is twin size.

Q: What is your song of the week?
A: Airplanes: b.o.b. & Hayley Williams

Q: Is it ok for guys to wear pink?
A: Duh! No color should be separated by gender.

Q: Do you still watch cartoons?
A: Not really.

Q: What is your least favorite movie?
A: Probably Arachnophobia. My cousin kind of made us watch it. *RollEyes*

Q: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
A: I can’t tell! *Wink*

Q: What do you drink with dinner?
A: Water

Q: What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
A: I don't eat them. If I do it's from Wendy's but it's very very rare. I used to use ranch from there,but now I'm lactose intolerant again, so probably ketchup.

Q: What is your favorite food?
A: Spaghetti with homemade noodles and homemade bread. *Bigsmile*

Q: What movie could you watch over and over again and still love?
A: Probably The Hunger Games.

Q: Last person you kissed/kissed you?
A: No one. I've never had my first kiss.

Q: Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
A: No. I wanted to at one point, but I think after seeing what it was about I wasn't interested anymore.

Q: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
A: Hell no. I'm not comfortable with my own body, let alone in front of strangers.

Q: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
A: I've written notes several times this year for business, but an actual letter might have been sometime last year.

Q: Can you change the oil on a car?
A: *Laugh* Nope!

Q: Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
A: Nope! I haven't driven much. My permit will expire for the last time on the 25th I believe. And I don't know how to drive. *Sob*

Q: Ever ran out of gas?
A: See above.

Q: Favorite kind of sandwich?
A: Peanut butter jelly/marshmallow. *Laugh* I'm a little girl at heart when it comes to that.

Q: Best thing to eat for breakfast?
A: I usually have cereal. *Facepalm* I need to make something healthier but I'm so lazy and tired in the morning.

Q: What is your usual bedtime?
A: Hahaha....like...2-3 am....*RollEyes*

Q: Are you lazy?
A: I try not to be. I suppose sometimes I am.

Q: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
A: A lot of different things! Cinderella, Pooh Bear, Momma dog, Princess...etc.

Q: What is your Chinese astrological sign?
A: I had to look it up,but the Tiger. *BigSmile*

Q: How many languages can you speak?
A: English (obviously), a tiny bit of Spanish, very little Swedish, very little Russian, and some ASL.

Q: Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
A: No.

Q: Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
A: I don't remember if I had lincoln logs so I guess legos.

Q: Are you stubborn?
A: Pretty much. Sometimes. *Laugh*

Q: Who is better… Leno or Letterman?
A: I don't know who they are. *RollEyes*

Q: Ever watch soap operas?
A: I did last year sometime. Maybe a little before that with mom. General Hospital. I lost interest. *Pthb*

Q: Are you afraid of heights?
A: Very. Even the top of bleachers in a football stadium makes me feel weak, nauseous, and like I'm dying.

Q: Do you sing in the car?
A: Sometimes.

Q: Do you sing in the shower?
A: Not really. Other people can hear me. *RollEyes*

Q: Do you dance in the car?
A: Yes, and very badly! *Laugh*

Q: Ever used a gun?
A: Like, a bb gun. And very little. I'm scared of guns. But I know eventually I may have to get one and a conceal carry permit. *Sad* You can't trust people.

Q: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
A: 11th grade picture day.

Q: Do you think musicals are cheesy?
A: I'm not sure. I just don't care for them much.

Q: Is Christmas stressful?
A: Not really. For me anyway. *Laugh*

Q: Ever eat a pierogi?
A: I don't think so.

Q: Favorite type of fruit pie?
A: Not a fan of fruit pie to be honest.

Q: Occupation you wanted to be when you were a kid?
A: Veterinarian. I can't do that though. I nearly pass out at the word blood when spoken, or seeing someone else get a shot. I wouldn't make it in the medical field.

Q: Do you believe in ghosts?
A: Sort of. Mostly spirits.

Q: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
A: Yep, such a weird feeling.

Q: Take a vitamin daily?
A: Yes. All I remember is it's a gummy multivitamin. (Don't judge. The taste/smell of the pills make me nauseous.)

Q: Wear slippers?
A: No. When my feet are cold, which isn't often, I wear fuzzy socks. *BigSmile*

Q: Wear a bathrobe?
A: Rarely.

Q: What do you wear to bed?
A: Nightgown and shorts, and sometimes those fuzzy socks.

Q: First concert?
A: Casting Crowns I think. A few years ago we went with our grandma.

Q: Wal-Mart or Target?
A: If we had one in our city, then Target. But since we don't, Wal-Mart. *Laugh*

Q: Nike or Adidas?
A: I don't know. Wal-Mart shoes. *Rolling*

Q: Cheetos or Fritos?
A: Cheetos. But I can't eat them now.

Q: Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
A: Sunflower seeds.

Q: Ever take dance lessons?
A: Nope.

Q: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
A: Not really. Whatever makes her happy. *Smile*

Q: Can you curl your tongue?
A: Yep! *Delight* *Laugh*

…this is really long….

Q: Ever won a spelling bee?
A: Was never in an "official" one. But probably not. Spelling is not my strong suit. *Pthb*

Q: Have you ever cried because you were happy?
A: Yes!

Q: Own a record album?
A: Nope

Q: Own a record player?
A: Nope

Q: Regularly burn incense?
A: No. I sometimes burn natural candles.Only for a few minutes though. Mostly during prayer.

Q: Who would you like to see in concert?
A: Probably Melanie Martinez.

Q: What is the last thing you bought?
A: Chocolate, candy, bottled coffee, Mt.Dew, fuzzy socks, and a shirt. Christmas presents on a budget. *Rolling*

Q: Hot tea or cold tea?
A: Hot.

Q: Tea or coffee?
A: Tea. I hate coffee. *RollEyes*

Q: Sugar or snickerdoodles?
A: Snickerdoodles. If I bake them well.

Q: Can you swim well?
A: Pretty well I think.

Q: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
A: Um yes....

Q: Are you patient?
A: It really depends on my mood but I try to be.

Q: DJ or band at a wedding?
A: Depends on the wedding.

Q: Ever won a contest?
A: I don't remember. Maybe one.

Q: Ever had plastic surgery?
A: Nope

…is this over yet??? *Laugh*

Q: Which are better black or green olives?
A: GROSS, neither.

Q: Can you knit or crochet?
A: Neither

Q: Best room for a fireplace?
A: Living room.

Q: Do you want to get married?
A: Yes!!!!

Q: What is your middle name?
A: Renee

Q: Who was your high school crush?
A: A boy named Joseph. He ended up being a real dick. I guess we kind of "dated" for 5 years until I found my true sexuality.

Q: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your way?
A: No, how old are we? *Laugh*

Q: Do you have kids?
A: No.

Q: Do you want kids?
A: Yes I do, someday.

Q: What is your favorite color?
A: Red, blue, yellow, black, purple, green....you get the picture? *Wink*

Q: Do you miss anyone right now?
A: Yes, yes I do. Lots!

If you stuck through this, thank you so much! Leave me a comment with any questions you have for me. *Smile*

© Copyright 2016 Kai Rajaniemi (UN: rrajaniemi at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Kai Rajaniemi has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/899761-Get-to-Know-Me