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I've maxed out. Closed this blog. |
Not everyone had a great dad or knew who one was, for that matter. But a strong father seems to make a great deal of difference in the family life.Sometimes, it's the step-father, or grandfather, or uncle or some other guardian who takes the place of a father. All children benefit from a father figure, even if he isn't perfect. Some studies were done in Africa of elephants. Herds of young males with no older males present went rogue. They fought over the female. They bullied the babies. They rampaged everywhere. Then the game wardens took some older males out of other herds, transported them to the terrorist herds, and an amazing thing happened. The wild herd calmed down. The older males set the example and peace was restored in their natural ranks. No elephants had to be put down or tranquilized. The elephants policed themselves. Students of human behavior have compared humans of all races and continents to the elephants. Where the young men are left on their own, they tend to go over the top with their own strength and power. They bully women and children and the elderly. But where there are solid male heads of household, male teachers, and male leaders, these young males become more productive and socially acceptable. There is a very strong case for fathers to take responsibility for their own kids. Boys learn to imitate the men they are around.That includes swearing or holding doors open for women. They see. They imitate. To all the fathers out there, Happy Father's Day. Be the kind of man you want your kids, or any kids, to become. |