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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/850365-White-Glowing-Angel
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#850365 added May 27, 2015 at 3:37pm
Restrictions: None
White Glowing Angel
Prompt: It is a dark night and you see a white glowing angel. What do you think it means?


Seeing a white glowing angel in a dark night? Whatever it means is secondary. First is the fact that it scares me. It scares me for having lost my mind. If not, it scares me that angels have gone berserk and have decided to invade the earth. Now what would we writers do if they were to get rid of all those things that escaped from Pandora’s box? We’d have to write without any conflict. Can you imagine any one of our magnum opuses (or is it magnum opii) without conflict?

Not to mention, I can’t look at any too bright stuff, let alone a white glowing angel. Why do you think I keep putting eyedrops into my eyes several times a day? True, my ophthalmologist makes me do that, but with a good reason, even if I may doubt any doctor’s reasoning.

Come to think of it, all doctors think they are white glowing angels. That is why, they think, our waiting so long in their waiting rooms is justified, which explains the fact that I am seeing enough of this type of white glowing angels in daytime. Then, if I saw one in the dark of the night, too, you’d understand why I would think I have flipped.

So to any white glowing angels of any kind out there, day or night, please do stay away from me as much as possible. Whatever I do or my body comes up with that needs correction will eventually correct itself. Even if it doesn’t, you won't be wasting my time and you'll be saving yourselves work. Now, what's better than that!

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/850365-White-Glowing-Angel