Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/845123-Chapter-Four
by Kitt
Rated: 13+ · Book · Romance/Love · #2036128
Finding love no matter how you try to avoid it.
#845123 added March 27, 2015 at 10:31pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Four:
Dean finished the necessary work at the ranch that afternoon as quickly as possible so that he could steal a quick shower before heading into town to see what he could find out about the new town pediatrician. As he headed up the stairs in the main ranch house he heard the unmistakable sound of his mothers voice calling to him from the kitchen. The commanding tone of her voice left no room for confusion. She wanted her son to respond immediately with his presence. With Victoria Kinkaid, the matriarch of the family, there was no point in keeping her waiting or trying to put her off. She would have her way no matter what anyone else had to say about it.

Dean grimaced in frustration at this distraction from his immediate plans but still turned on his heel and descended the stairs heading into the massive ranch style kitchen in response to his mothers summons.

"Yes mother?" Dean tried to look patient and calm regardless of the irritation he felt having his plans delayed.

"Don't take that tone with me." Victoria Kinkaid always knew what her son was feeling. She didn't need to look up at her son to see his annoyance.

"Mother, I didn't..."

"No don't start. I have something I want to talk to you about." She glanced up looking at her son sternly and pointing to the chair already pulled out from the table facing her where she stood at the counter preparing what looked like her famous cherry pie. Normally seeing her make his favorite desert would make him cheerful but he was not in the mood to be delayed with a scolding when he had somewhere important to be. Still he sat in the appointed chair.

Victoria didn't speak immediately and Dean was considering what he would say to postpone this conversation. Just as his mouth was opening with his chosen words she whirled around and pointed her wooden spoon directly at her son.

"Dean Kincaid! I am so disappointed in you right now. This mess with that... woman. I don't even know what to say about it. It seems the situation is just increasing in severity. It is the talk of the town." She turned her head away and dropped her arm. She seemed a little at a loss and choosing her next words.

"Mom I..."

"No!" Victoria's head jerked back up and she met her son's eyes directly. "No Dean. This is not okay and you need to make it ok. That... woman is saying things that... well lets just say that although I do not believe them I know some may and you know your image will become the image of this family and business when you take over." She sighed and seemed to lose the edge of her anger with her son. "A lot of people rely on this family's business. This town relies heavily on our business. You know as well as I that there are no other industries here and our ranch is the biggest around and employs the most people. The money we make is kept in this area." Victoria shook her head and sat heavily in the chair next to her grown son who now sat with his worn cowboy hat in his hands like a well scolded school boy. Dean felt her hand on his shoulder give a gentle squeeze.

"I know. Mom, I know..."

"Dean." This time she was gentle in her interuption. "I know you know but I need you to behave like you do. I need to you begin to do what you need to do in order to take over. You need to settle down, get married, have kids and start doing things that help and promote this business, the family and your image. Stop all this foolishness. It is bringing you only bad results so far. I don't want you to have to marry some floozy you get pregnant! You need to marry the right girl." Taking her son's hand in her own she looked into his face and he saw the worry and concern that she hid so well. It surprised Dean to see it on his vivacious and forceful mother who never really seemed to worry or fret about much. She was as tough as any man he had known and twice as stubborn.

Wrapping his arms around his mother he realized she was right. She was right in everything she had said and had been right to be worried. The situation with Lydia had gone too far and although he still felt young enough to have years before even considering settling down it would be best for the family. It was probably time.

"I know mom. You are right okay. You're right." He squeezed her tightly before letting her go and holding her shoulders as he pulled back and looked her in the eyes. "I will handle the Lydia situation once and for all and I will try and find the right girl. Maybe it is time to settle down." Of course by the light of joy that flamed in his mothers eyes as he said that he realized she thought he probably meant a lot sooner than he himself was considering. Dean thought it might take a few years at least to find the right girl and then to get to know and court before marrying... well he thought it might take awhile. He also realized his mother was probably already planning the wedding for the next spring or even sooner. Who she thought he would marry that soon was anyones guess. Instead of sticking around to disabuse her of this idea he stood up and headed for the door. "I really will look but I have to be somewhere now. We can discuss this later okay." To forestall anymore 'conversation' he flashed his most charming grin which she never could resist and swung out the kitchen door heading for the overdue shower.
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