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Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#840306 added February 3, 2015 at 7:13pm
Restrictions: None
My Muse, Romantica Assignments, If That's Love & Lost Mind?
Today's blogs....

30 Day Blogging Challenge

Blog Prompt for February 3, 2015: I have a muse, I never asked for one or wanted one, but then one day my muse showed up and has been hanging around here ever since. My muse is Andre the Blog Monkey, who most of you know. Do you have a muse? Tell us about your muse. How does he/she/it help you write and create? If you don't have a muse, try and generate one. You may need your muse to help you out down the road in this competition.

My muse is fantastical and playful. She is whimsical and flighty. Some times she meets me at the page eager to start, other times she must be coaxed from slumber. She loves to paint word pictures and follow along with my characters lives. But at times she is distant. I show up to the page and hope she comes out to play and make merry, but lately it is like she has gone on vacation or moved and left no forwarding address. I know in my heart she will return. She will come back with brilliant ideas and freshness, but now I slog away. Writing each day with the hope her time to return draws near.

To wait for her is madness as I fear that pressure will only push her further away. She will return. She always does.

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality – Week Fifty – Nine

1. What's your favourite thing you've written? Share it with us. Why do you like it so much?

This is not so much a favourite thing as it is a workshop I have been taking. Romantica - romance and erotica combined. I wish I had more gumption as I feel I am fighting and struggling of late... I think my muse has taken a vacation to some warmer area and I keep waiting for her to return and work with me again.

Each lesson builds on the story

First is getting to know the characters: "Romantica - Assignment #1Open in new Window.

Then it is having them meet in a public place: "Romantica - Assignment #2Open in new Window.

Then it gets a little more heated: "Romantica - Assignment #3Open in new Window.

Then their is conflict: "Romantica - Assignment #4Open in new Window.

Resolution: "Romantica - Assignment #5Open in new Window.

And I am still working on this weeks assignment. Feeling to read over and give a little feedback. I still have edits to do and hope to work this into something more as time progresses.

Border for my personal use.

Soundtrack Of My Life Challenge – February 2015

Love Songs – Theme for music blog.
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Day 3

Laura Pausini – If That’s Love

Yes, I am on a Laura Pausini kick but that is okay. I have not heard these songs for awhile and I need to look through my CDs to find my own copy.
This is what love is all about. To me this is what love is all about. It let's you know not to settle and to expect more from the love in your life.

Along the love theme I also want to put out a poem my father used to love...
If you love something, set it free
If it comes back, it's yours.
If it doesn't, it never was.

My father must have hoped that my mother and I would come back to him when he let us go.... we moved to Guelph. He came to Toronto for Cancer treatments around that same time. My parents did not get back together, but my mother went to see him every weekend when he was so very ill. He died on this day 36 years ago.... and I still miss him so.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – Day 336

Prompt: Why does a mind wander from the task at hand? Does your mind wander at times? How do you re-focus?

Sometimes my mind wanders and sometimes it leaves completely. This is one of the magnet sayings I have on my fridge. It is joined with Feel free to leave a message and On a cellular level I am really quite busy.

How do I refocus.... good question. Let me just go get a coffee....

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/840306-My-Muse-Romantica-Assignments-If-Thats-Love--Lost-Mind