Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life. |
Today's blog... Blog City – Day 249 Saw an interesting blog today about finding your authentic writing voice. The author suggests a writer list the first three things that come to mind when you're asked to describe yourself/your writing. Read something you wrote recently. Do you hear any of those descriptors? You should, if you're writing openly. What do you think of her advice? First of all I want to say - this is a really excellent blog post. I have visited that site on a number of occasions and been impressed. So what are my three things that come to mind when I am asked to describe myself or my writing. Interesting... I would be curious what other people thought on this as well... But for me I would say humour is important (it may be a little off beat and silly at times, but hey, that's me). I would also say authentic - but what is that anyway? I guess I would define that as telling my story, my way, vulnerabilities and all, because although I write for myself, I also want to connect with others at a human level. The third thing I would say is.... conversational (could that really be the third?). Hey, I do talk to myself - so my blogging could be a conversation with myself or it could just as well be a conversation with a friend - those being, any of the fine people that choose to take a few moments and read my blog. I would also add a positive flare, as I like the idea of picking people up with my writing. I will admit, I do have darker moments, but if I remember correctly, I had a blog post that started out on the darker, down side and by the time I finished I was feeling significantly better. Writing has a way of accomplishing that for me. (The positive feedback is a blast as well). One of the things I have found is that blogging has brought me into a greater awareness of my writing voice, and probably my voice in general. I have more overall confidence in sharing parts of myself; I may, in the past, have kept to myself. Being part of a blogging community, like Blog City, has also made me feel welcome and accepted. I have made friends here and for that I am monumentally grateful. |