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Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #562186
Each snowflake, like each human being is unique.
#829562 added May 30, 2019 at 2:32pm
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October 2014 Facebook Status Update Poems
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
'Idal (Justice), 5 Mashíyyat (Will), 171 BE

Welcome to October
the scariest month of the year
because in just three months
a New Year will be here.

Welcome to October
it's time to reevaluate
ones progress as a spiritual being
and the memories
one creates.

Thursday, October 2, 2014
Istijlal (Majesty), 6 Mashíyyat (Will), 171 BE

autumn's fingers ache
with the chill of another
cool desert morning

Friday, October 3, 2014
Istiqlal (Independence), 7 Mashíyyat (Will), 171 BE

October at last
with candy corn and hot tea
autumn afternoon.

Saturday, October 4, 2014
Jalal (Glory), 8 Mashíyyat (Will), 171 BE

Saturday coffee
poured itself into a cup
walked across the room

Sunday, October 5, 2014
Jamal (Beauty), 9 Mashíyyat (Will), 171 BE

Sunday morning
front door is open
and the security screen locked
a rooster is crowing
his praise
to morning's first light.

Monday, October 6, 2014
Kamal (Perfection), 10 Mashíyyat (Will), 171 BE

Another dawn
time to push ahead
to overcome
or ignore the negativity
and dread.

Inhale the cool scent of dawn
let it drive away
last night's fears,
let morning's bright rays dry
depression's tears.

A new day dawns
to cheer
the downhearted,
unhappy soul
with the morning light
of God's favor.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Fiḍal (Grace), 11 Mashíyyat (Will), 171 BE

A good afternoon
listening to the weird neighborhood noises
which sound really strange
when I keep the blinds closed
so I cannot identify the noises.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014
'Idal (Justice), 12 Mashíyyat (Will), 171 BE

One cup
is not enough
to wake me up
and goose my muse.

I need another sip or cup
of strong
black coffee
on this partly cloudy
autumn morning.

Thursday, October 9, 2014
Istijlal (Majesty), 13 Mashíyyat (Will), 171 BE

dawn's gray-white clouds
decorating morning's sky
promise sunshine rain

Friday, October 10, 2014
Istiqlal (Independence), 14 Mashíyyat (Will), 171 BE

Memories of My Grandmother

was a name she wore proudly
and every child
in her neighborhood
called her Grandma.

Saturday, October 11, 2014
Jalal (Glory), 15 Mashíyyat (Will), 171 BE

Saturday afternoon
a neighbor woman is walking her dog,
the dog pees
on the palm tree
planted in front of my apartment;
at least,
some creature is watering
the palm tree.

Sunday, October 12, 2014
Jamal (Beauty), 16 Mashíyyat (Will), 171 BE

On a chilly August morning,
I listen
to city noises
as I wait for the coffee
to brew.

On a chilly August morning,
I contemplate
my breakfast choices
something different today
maybe cereal with milk
instead of coffee
or a bowl of celery soup.

On a chilly August morning,
I listen
to the coffee maker sing
and wait for dawn's rooster to crow.

Monday, October 13, 2014
Kamal (Perfection), 17 Mashíyyat (Will), 171 BE

Happy Columbus Day,
Happy Hysterical Laughter Day,
Happy I Cannot access my bank account
because I am locked out
and I cannot contact customers service
until Tuesday because
today (October 13) is Columbus Day
and the banks are closed
along with their customer service offices.

When I finally figured out it was Columbus Day,
which I do not celebrate,
I laughed hysterically because
it was a choice between laughing
and crying;
therefore, I encourage
everyone to laugh hysterically
over something today.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Fiḍal (Grace), 18 Mashíyyat (Will), 171 BE

Wednesday, October 15, 2014
'Idal (Justice), 19 Mashíyyat (Will), 171 BE

In the predawn darkness
traffic flows
down the expressway
its echoes reverberating
through quiet neighborhoods.

Thursday, October 16, 2014
Istijlal (Majesty), 1 'Ilm (Knowledge), 171 BE


A long nights journey
into a cool autumn day;
the cookie
I wrapped in a napkin
three days ago,
put in my purse
and forgot about until
the rooster crowed t his morning.

I took the napkin
out of my purse,
unwrapped the cookie
(still in one piece)
and ate it for breakfast
with a hot cup
of freshly brewed
Folgers coffee.


Morning passes
accompanied by bird song
and sunshine.

Clouds decorate the dawn sky
and I
need another carafe of coffee
to find the courage I need
to leave the house

Friday, October 17, 2014
Istiqlal (Independence), 2 'Ilm (Knowledge), 171 BE

Friday morning
looking forward to laundry
this afternoon.

I know
the laundromat
my be full,
but I don't care
because it is fall,
the days are cooler
and I need to socialize
even if it's with a bunch
of strangers.

Saturday, October 18, 2014
Jalal (Glory), 3 'Ilm (Knowledge), 171 BE

A distant ache
in finger joins
brings back memories
of Grandma
and cold winter afternoons
after snowball fights.

would make hot chocolate
with marshmallows
and homemade
chocolate chip cookies.

Sunday, October 19, 2014
Jamal (Beauty), 4 'Ilm (Knowledge), 171 BE

To sleep
perchance to rest
is this too much to ask?

I yawn
but I can't sleep
not even counting sheep.

Don't say see the doctor
because all she gives is prescriptions
I want something to give me sleep
without knocking me out.

Monday, October 20, 2014
Kamal (Perfection), 5 'Ilm (Knowledge), 171 BE

Monday writing list:
finish senyru string about the Bab,
finish gratitude list for Day 22
of my 95-Day Gratitude Challenge
(I'm not confused today
so I know it's day 22 and not
day 31 or day 60),
and make entry in pen and paper journal
when I take my first 15 minute break
at work today.

Have I forgotten anything thing?
Of course I have
I can't make a list without
forgetting to put something
on the list.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Fiḍal (Grace), 6 'Ilm (Knowledge), 171 BE

Wednesday, October 22, 2014
'Idal (Justice), 7 'Ilm (Knowledge), 171 BE


getting ready to go to work
and wondering
what I will find in my post box
when I get off tonight.

Will it be something else
that I have to take care of
before October 30?

By the time I get home
everything is closed
and my work location
is in the opposite direction
several miles
from where the paperwork
must be taken.


After a long day
a refreshing glass
of iced apple tea
goes good with
a fish dinner.

Thursday, October 23, 2014
Istijlal (Majesty), 8 'Ilm (Knowledge), 171 BE

Friday, October 24, 2014
Istiqlal (Independence), 9 'Ilm (Knowledge), 171 BE


It's Friday morning
and my To Do List
just got up and went
it walked out of my door
without my consent.

I have places to go
and people to see,
but I haven't consumed
enough coffee
to keep me awake
while I drive across town.

Will a big breakfast
energize me
or increase sleepiness?


A beautiful Friday morning
and I'm finally awake enough
to enjoy the beauty
of Las Vegas.

Time for my second,
or is it my third breakfast,
before braving
the traffic
and driving across town.

Do snacks
with coffee count
as breakfast?

Saturday, October 25, 2014
Jalal (Glory), 10 'Ilm (Knowledge), 171 BE

Sunday, October 26, 2014
Jamal (Beauty), 11 'Ilm (Knowledge), 171 BE

Monday, October 27, 2014
Kamal (Perfection), 12 'Ilm (Knowledge), 171 BE

Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Fiḍal (Grace), 13 'Ilm (Knowledge), 171 BE


chilly October
I walk across the tile floor
arthritic joints creak


a cup of coffee
poured hot from a glass carafe
warms body and muse


chicken and pear soup
add a dash of TABASCO®
and lunch is ready

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
'Idal (Justice), 14 'Ilm (Knowledge), 171 BE


Noon at the laundromat
no waiting in line
for a washer or dryer
while watching the Channel 8 news.


Night writers
darkness wakes our muse
sleep forgotten
in the passion of composing
stanza and line.

Thursday, October 30, 2014
Istijlal (Majesty), 15 'Ilm (Knowledge), 171 BE

Halloween memories
candy corn,
Grandma's oatmeal raisin cookies,
"Trick or Treat",
"What's up doc",
the lady who gave out lolly pops
attached to a religious pamphlet.

Friday, October 31, 2014
Istiqlal (Independence), 16 'Ilm (Knowledge), 171 BE

If you are looking for an excuse
to celebrate today
here are four,
but there must be a thousand more.

Happy Frankenstein Friday!
Happy Halloween!
Happy Nevada Day!
Happy NaNoWriMo Eve!

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/829562-October-2014-Facebook-Status-Update-Poems