Some of the strangest things forgotten by that Australian Blog Bloke. 2014 |
I've had the 'flu. That's all I'm going to say about that. Best forgotten ASAP and I don't want to think about aches and sore throats. I seem to have an infection of a different type. Facebook Messenger Facebook in their big brother wisdom have decided to give us no choice but to install their new Messenger App on our iphones. This may not apply to you, but the information should be absorbed. Your friends may like to know this. You think this is all paranoia and writer's panic mode? Just bipolar nonsense? Here are some excerpts: "giving Facebook the ability to turn features on your phone on and off for it’s own reasons without telling you." "giving a stranger your phone and telling them to do what they want when they want." "Record audio, and take pictures and videos, at any time" Yes, that's right. Access your microphone and camera any time. How do you feel about that, with your phone next to your bed, or using it while on the toilet? Don't do that? Riggggght. "Read your phone’s call log, including info about incoming and outgoing calls" "Read your contact data, including who you call and email and how often" "addresses, personal info, pictures or anything else that’s near and dear to your personal life…they can read it" Nope. Unless they change this dramatically, I'll be missing in action on iPhone as far as Facebook messaging goes. Look on the bright side. Maybe I'll do more writing. And EDITING. Yes. THANK YOU FACEBOOK. THANK YOU MARK Z. YOU'VE SAVED MY LIFE. SAVED MY BOOK! This, folks, is how it can twist you right around so that you're thanking the mega corporations for taking away your very identity. Next thing they'll be publishing my book and the author will be The WHATEVER fantastic story. By Mr Fac E Book. (with a tiny bit of input from Sparky that doesn't need anything more than a little mention, even though he wrote it and it's his life) I can see it now, sitting in its own, thick, arrogant, elbows-spread-postured, I'm THE book manner, on the shelf jamming itself among the legitimate books on our bookcase. But this one will have a dark, stolen secret. It's real author won't live here. He'll have been arrested for having the AUDACITY to retain his own freedom, and personal identity. Sparky Featured as part of my signature, the video below is here to raise awareness of Carly, who thrives despite the difficulties of severe Autism. Watching and learning about her may change how we think of these people, and how we treat them. |