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Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #1999208
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#824856 added August 9, 2014 at 9:18pm
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Stats update-Intro through Addition #7
"Bansbree: Hub of the Three Kingdoms
         by DyrHearte writes

Introduction DyrHearte writes again
Created: June 12th, 2014 at 12:56 am
Size: 6,152 Characters // 1,022 words

         Gustav, Jeno, (Dorte and Anez mentioned);
         Govenor Patrikio Guarnez, Felisa Guarnez, (Ilfilio mentioned).

Plot Points:
First section
is description introduction to the trade city of Bansbree. I'm hoping the descriptive paragraph leaves the story ideas wide open for those who wish to participate.

Second section: Introduces two brothers, Gustav (Gus) pov and Jeno. Gustav is lamenting his lot in life and requests his brother to take his wife, Dorte with him when he leaves Bansbree with the rumors of impending war looming. For all appearances Gustav is truly torn about his decision to answer the Govenor's call to arms.

Third section: Govenor Patrikio Gusarnez pov is beside himself, pacing in a soliloquy tirade about the news of impending war between the Dwarves and the Elves. His concern is that Bansbree won't be able to remain neutral since one of the instigating factors of the war places Bansbree trade practices right in the center of the storm. With the entry of his daughter and a call to dinner, Patrikio calms, but only slightly. His daughter makes light of the trouble, implying Bansbree merchants will do as they have always done--make a profit.

Author Additions:

About addition #1: by DyrHearte writes again
Added: Jun 12, 2014 at 11:32pm
Size: 3,953 Characters // 624 words

Cassandra the Moth, Crusher, Squeeks.
(Shivers and Mortimer Langster mentioned.)

Plot Points:
Cassandra pov.
A thirteen year old, orphaned gypsy girl is running and hiding from bounty hunters seeking a reward from Mortimer Langster, the local Mob Boss of the Bansbree Thieve's Guild. She successfully eludes Crusher and Squeeks, two of the local roust-a-bouts, and hides until near sunset to make her way toward the southern section of town where she can better keep hidden. While crossing an open area, Crusher nabs her by throwing a heavy stick/bully club tripping her up as she ran.

About addition #2: by Teerich - @Serenity Isle
Added: Jun 13, 2014 at 3:38am
Size: 2,275 Characters // 385 words


Plot Points:
Shivers pov
: An eleven to twelve year old street urchin ducks into his and Cassandra's hiding place along the city's western wall. Worried that his friend is over due, he slips back out into the evening to pick up any gossip to explain Cassandra's tardiness.

About addition #3: by Paul ~ Spoiled Rotten
Added: Jun 13, 2014 at 7:54am
Size: 3,844 Characters // 931 words

         Elric, Younce, Sylena, Edwart

Place Names: The Great Tree

Plot Points:
Elric pov
: A Dwarf mage fakes succumbing to a knock out drought and allows himself to be manacled in the back room of Younce's tavern.

Sylena pov: The barmaid, returns with a venison steak for Younce to discover both he and the Dwarf are apparently gone. Then there is a knife at her throat from behind and instructions to meet Elric, by the Great Tree after dark.

About addition #4: by Darleen ~~Yellow~~*Heart*
Added: Jun 14, 2014 at 1:04am
Size: 5,744 Characters // 896 words

Moonwillow Druid of the Second Circle, Starwolf, Unknown/unnamed female Dwarf

Place Names:
Sidhelein Forest Road heading North and East toward Bansbree.

Faction names:

Plot Points:
Moonwillow pov
: Two druid trainees, travel to Bansbree; Moonwillow for her Priestess training and Starwolf to complete his Warrior training. They come across an unconscious and naked female dwarf who'd been robbed and doesn't remember who she is or where she was going.

DyrHearte writes
About addition #5: by DyrHearte writes again
Added: Jun 14, 2014 at 4:10am
Size: 8,647 Characters // 1,368 words

Mortimer Langster, Eddie pov, Jasper.
Cassandra, Dorisa/Dorita
Crusher pov, Clarissa

Place Names
rooms inside Mortimer's Town house

Faction names:
Sapphire Dragon Guild

Plot Points:
Mortimer's pov
: Mortimer relaxing at his manor just finishing his dinner with a boy--Eddie in personal attendance (pov jumps to Eddie) showing Eddie's fear of Mortimer. After dinner Mortimer pov retires to his study for some light reading when he is interrupted by the arrival of Crusher and Cassandra. Mortimer's intentions for the girl are uncertain but it becomes apparent he means her no harm.

Cassandra's pov: Has a healing woman tend to her injuries at the hands of Crusher. Crusher is paid and gone from his home though the stink of the man lingers. Mortimer climes the stair and retirs for the night.

Crusher pov disperses and hides the gold and fine leather purse then goes to a tavern to do some serious celebrating and bragging.

About addition #6: by Teerich - @Serenity Isle
Added: Jun 14, 2014 at 4:48pm
Size: 3,783 Characters // 656 words

Place Names:
Seven Stars Tavern

Faction names:
City Guard Patrol

Plot Points:
Shivers pov
: He discovers Cassandra's where abouts and travels the dark streets to the richer side of Bansbree where he waits for morning when he can gain access inside Mortimer Langster's Town house...

About addition #7: by Paul ~ Spoiled Rotten
Added: Jun 14, 2014 at 6:14pm
Size: 7,028 Characters//1,160 words
         Sade the cook at Seven Stars Tavern

Place Names:
Seven Stars Tavern

Faction names:
Plot Points:
Sylene's pov:
Sylena meets Elric by the Great Tree and receives more instructions. Seems the Dwarf mage is an emmissary from her long dead father. Pov shift: Younce awakes outside the gates amidst the city dump where he spies the movements of a Goblin...He makes his way back to the city walls only to be forced to wait til morning when the draw bridge rose. He makes his way back to The Seven Stars tavern and discovers Sylena missing along with his hidden stash
© Copyright 2014 DyrHearte writes (UN: dyrhearte at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
DyrHearte writes has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/824856-Stats-update-Intro-through-Addition-7