Not that you need to enter my crazy mind, but here you go anyway. Enjoy! |
So, I bought this new book today. It's called The Writer's Devotional by Amy Peters. 365 days of writing exercises, prompts and motivations. I've decided to challenge myself. For the next 365 days, I will post whatever my devotional is. I'll probably be needing your help to keep me current, but I think I can do it. Here's a run down of the week: Mondays--Writers on writing. Learn what the best in the business have to say about the writing process and what their work, and the works of others, meant to them. Tuesdays--Motivation. Use these tips and tricks to help you keep writing even when you've hit a wall, and to help you gain the courage to share your work. Wednesdays--Writing Class. Try your hand at dozens of different formats, broadening your writing experience. Thursdays--Editing. Understand the nuts and bolts every writer needs to master. Learn everything from punctuation to mastering the active voice, as well as the secrets of creating a truly compelling work. Fridays--Biography. Learn about other writers; what motivated them to write and how their past shaped their prose. Saturdays--Books writers should read. The "best of the best" in many genres and styles, so you can measure your work against the masters, and see exactly how they got the job done. Sundays--Writing prompt. Wrap up each week with an exercise allowing you to take on one of fifty-two topics. (All descriptions are nearly verbatim from the book.) I'll post what's relevant, even if it's only a quote or books mentioned that I would like to read. If you'd like to do it yourself, that's wonderful! I would love to hear the ideas you have or writings that come from any prompts. So, here we go! Wish me luck. |