I will share the many thoughts that invade my introspective soul. |
December 10, 2013 I write as if I were at a keyboard instrument. The letters are like musical notes that make up words that move to sentences that can be interpreted as thought and feelings. The temperature seems to be getting more seasonable. My own aptitudes feel like they are on an up and down course. I have decided that this angst that I feel has as much to do with peace as the silence and harmony that tends to get passed off as a certainty that peace is taking place. On this day there are all the financial conundrums that seem to make there appearance most loudly as the year comes to an end. What an appropriate way to signal the immanence of a saviour's birth. Joseph and Mary head to Bethlehem so that they can register to pay taxes. In the course of getting ready for a savior's birth many of us are trying to provide a gift for charity or other recipient worthy of our love. We look forward to Christmas Carolling, decorating, and cooking. My favorite part is the eating. I sit my finger on keys wondering which key will open the door to my heart. I think for than anything the stresses of the holiday put everything in perspective. Peace is knowing that God has it all under control. At times I can feel all manner of dissonance, noise and chaos. I look back and am reminded this is the noise into which Joseph and his family entered into. The birth took place in a stable and if Jesus is like every other baby there was no doubt a cry that pierced the night. As this is taking place a star hover over where the baby dwells, angels give good news of great joy to shepherds, wise men come from far away. Maybe hope and peace does not all come in the form we might like in that one moment. Maybe this is the mystery that make life worth living. God works out everything in God's time, not on our time schedule. I pray that is what I discover will all other pilgrims who look forward to celebrating God's gracious giftedness. We see God dimly as in a mirror and yet one day we will see God face to face. |