I will share the many thoughts that invade my introspective soul. |
December 1, 2013 My church celebrates "The Hanging of the Greens" today. The beginning of advent is always a time of reawakening. My own impression is that the arrival of Jesus was the most successful revival that has or ever will take place. Yesterday was one of those painful internal days. I look back at what could have been. I had so many years of theological education and saw a dream become a nightmare. How much different is this from what people of Jesus' time were going through. Most people were being oppressed and threatened with death. The poor and ill were outcasts. The rich and religious priests seemed to have the only corner on the kingdom of God. This reality is the place of peace of me. It says in scripture to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Who is to say that God can not use me to a greater extent than when I was a "pastor". I am deciding to enter this truth. Seminary training and all the credentials that go along with it do not make me better. I pray that in God's time I will be able to share with others like myself that the only peace worth savoring is knowing Jesus Christ as Lord!!!! |