The Good Life. |
I won, yippee!! More importantly, I actually finished my manuscript this year, and because I was editing as I went, it's in decent shape. Yippee!! Now to keep up the good work. For that, I have a plan. I know you're shocked. 1. I will write every morning at 6:30 am WDC for at least 30 minutes. Anyone like to join me? I'm thinking of creating an accountability forum. Since I have nothing prepped, my plan to start is to rewrite last year's novel, since it's already prepped. I'll have the manuscript up on one screen and basically copy it into my sprint. This will serve two purposes: - I can fix errors in plot, setting, characterization as I go. - It will force me to re-read and remember where I was at the end of last year. Once I catch up with myself, I'll continue with the scenes I didn't get to. When I finish last year's novel, I'll continue doing the same thing with this year's novel. When that's complete, I'll start prepping the sequel, and my morning sprints will be prep assignments. 2. At 9am Mon-Fri, I will shift my focus from writing to work. Difficult!!! I get so focused on projects and won't want to break away from writing. But my analytical skills are strongest between 9am-1pm, so that should be work time. 3. Mon-Thu evenings, I will hang out in my new music school lobby and socialize with clients, if I'm not teaching. I think that's missing from the equation. I did that when we opened my first music school campus, and enrollments skyrocketed. What can I say? Doggone it, people like me. Heaven only knows why. I still have to keep up with church and family, but I'm keeping my new goals simple for now, so I can concentrate on building good habits. That is all. I gots stuff to do, people. |