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NaNoWriMo 2013 |
Chapter 27: Sunday Morning Visitor Daniella stood at the front door, watching the officers escort a woman dressed in a fur coat with a bright red headscarf covering her head to the squad car. The woman attempted to pull away from the female office holding her and in so doing, she turned to face the front port. Daniella gasp because she recognized the woman. "Well, I'll be damned," she laughed as the officer put Dolly Cartwright in cuffs. "I'll have to give the old bird credit, but I didn't know she was that set on getting into the house. I wonder what she was looking for." The officers put Dolly in the backseat and then one of them walked up onto the front porch. "Ms Coffey," said the female officer. "Could you come down to the station house sometime later today to fill out a report." "Of course, Officer Mathews," she said reading the woman's name badge. "Thank you." The officer went back to the car and got in to the front seat with her partner and they drove away. Closing the door, Daniella went down the hall to Ethan's room. Opening the door, she reached in and switched on the light. Then she stood in the doorway for a few minutes surveying the room. Going to the window, she closed the drapes. Then she went to the closet and looked in, but there was nothing except a few boxes marked 'Ethan's Christmas Decorations'. Closing the closet door, she then went to the chest of drawers and opened the top drawer. The only thing in the drawer was a bunch of Ethan's toys. Shaking her head, she turned out the light and left the room, closing the door behind her. "I'm going to be glade to get back to Las Vegas," she said going into the living room. "This has been the weirdest Thanksgiving I've ever had." She sat down on the couch, picked up her journal, and began to write. Dear Diary, Tonight, Papa Larry's sister Dolly attempted to break into the house. I'm sure she was looking for something more then Grandma Hattie's silverware, but I can't figure out what. George thinks she's looking for copies of the birth records that Mama keeps here; however, that just doesn't make sense. I know Dolly is getting old, but I don't thinks she loosing her mind or her memory. My gut tells me she is looking for something else and I can't figure out what she could want. I know that Mom kept everything that we made from kindergarten on, as well as every piece of jewelry Larry gave her. She also kept his military records and every item that Grandma Hattie left to us. I wonder if Mom has any of Grandma Hattie's journals. I know that Uncle Rodger got some of them, but I don't know if she left any to Larry or Dolly. Actually, I'm not sure what she left to Dolly. I know that she left each of Dolly's kids some money for college, but I don't know if she left Dolly anything. I know Grandma Hattie was pissed off at Dolly for something because Uncle Rodger said she changed her will about a year or two before she died. I think he said that she removed Dolly completely; however, I could be wrong about that because I do remember Dolly receiving some of Grandma Hattie's antique furniture. I think Dolly got a canopy bed and a nightstand, but I don't think she got anything else. I'd like to know why Grandma Hattie was so pissed at Dolly. I remember Grandma Hattie telling Dolly off on Christmas and few months before she died. Also, Hattie refused to see Dolly when she went to the hospital. Papa Larry and Uncle Rodger didn't say much about the incident between Dolly and her mother. I know that Uncle Rodger and Papa Larry were always angry at Dolly over something, but I don't know what. Well, unless there is something in one of the boxes in the attic, I don't suppose I'll every know. I think I will ask Ethan to ship all the boxes in the house back to Las Vegas before he leaves. I hope he is willing to remain here until the house is repaired. Even if he doesn't want to live in it, it's good rental propperity. It will give him and Alice a little something to help with the expenses. All though, Ethan makes a decint living off his art and show business carrier. I still think he and Alice could use a bit more money, especially if they are going to have children. I'd like to become an aunt. Being an aunt is much better then being a mother because I can spoil my nieces and nephews and then send them back to the parents. I suppose Preston and I could adopt a child, but I don't think that would be a good idea. Preston is already and grandfather. I'll have to admit that I'm looking forward to meeting his children and grandchildren, but I don't think I want them to call me Granny like we called Grandma Hattie. I think Daniella or Grandma Dani would be nice. Well, I suppose I better close this now. I should apologize for addressing you as 'Dear Diary', but I'm in my mother's house. I always addressed my journals as 'Dear Diary' growing up here and it seemed like the right thing to do. Daniella. Closing the journal, she placed it back on the coffee table. Checking the time, she laid back down on the couch and pulled the cover up around her, but she could not get back to sleep, so after ten minutes of checking the time every two or three minutes she got up. Going to the fireplace, she started the fire again. Then she picked up the tea kettle and went into the bathroom to fill it from the sink. When she returned to the living room she sit the kettle on the fire and then opened a loaf of bread. Taking out two slices of bread, she picked up the peanut butter that was sitting on a stand beside the love seat. She made a peanut butter sandwich and sit staring into the fire while she ate it. The tea kettle whistled, so she removed it from the fire and made herself a cup of mint tea. The phone ring, so she got up and went to the coffee table where she had left her cellphone. "Hello, Daniella Coffey speaking." "Oh, hi, George, what's up?" "No your mother isn't here, have you tried the police station." "George, please stop laughing because I' not kidding." "Someone tried to break into the house about 1:30 am and when the police arrived they found your mother in the backyard. I think she was trying to get into Ethan's room." "No, I didn't know it was Dolly until they put her in handcuffs." 'I'm not sure," she smiled. "But I believed they cuffed her because she tried to resist arrest." "Why don't you call Mom's lawyer and see what he says." "If he doesn't handle criminal cases then I'm sure he knows someone who does." "George, if you don't stop laughing I'm going to start." She tried unsuccessfully to prevent herself from laughing, "I'm sure it isn't funny and I don't think laughing is going to help." "You're right," she giggled. "Uncle Rodger would find it extremely amusing, but then he has the Shupe sense of humor." "I know your mother wouldn't find it amusing. I'm sure Aunt Dolly is very upset by now." "George, I have to go to the station house sometime today to make out a report would you like to meet me there or would you like to go by yourself and bail your mother out." "Oh, they won't consider bail until Monday morning, well, I'm sure.... You'll meet me there anyway." "Yes, 1:00 pm is fine with me." She closed the phone and putting it in her slacks pocket she went back to t he love seat and made herself another peanut butter sandwich. After she finished her sandwich, she closed the metal curtains on the fireplace and went into the bathroom. Turning on the shower, she let the water run a little while before getting under the flow of the water. "Shit!" She screamed jumping out of the shower, "There's no damned hot water in this house." She dried herself off, got dressed and went back into the living room. Picking up her cellphone, she called Emily's number. "Hi, Aunt Emily, I hope I didn't wake you." "I'm going to be coming there about 10:30 to take a shower." "I have to go down to the police station to fill out a report." "Someone tried to break into the house last night." "Yes, Aunt Emily, it was Dolly, but how'd you find out." "Oh, George called. He wanted Ethan to come to the house while I go to the police station." "I don't suppose he said who else he expects to break in." "Yes, I know he has a weird family, but no weirder then the Shupe's." There was a knock at the door, "I have to go now, Aunt Emily, someone is at the door." Putting the phone back in her picked, she headed for the front door, picking up the keys to the security screen as she went past the coffee table. Looking out the peephole she saw Ethan standing on the porch. She opened the door and unlocked the screen. "Come in, Little Brother," she greeted him. "Have a cup of coffee," he handed her a large Starbucks cup. "Thanks," she laughed. "All I've had to drink this morning is mint tea." "Did you eat anything?" "Yes, two peanut butter sandwiches." "That sounds like a good breakfast, but perhaps an egg sandwich will go better with the coffee." He handed her a brown paper bag, "Mom said I should give this to you. She didn't think you had anything in the house to eat." "Did she make it?" "No," he smiled. "Alice did the cooking this morning, when I left she and Mom were washing dishes the old fashion way." "By hand? Why?" "Because I think Mom forgot how to use a dishwasher." |