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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/793697-Monday
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
#793697 added October 7, 2013 at 10:09pm
Restrictions: None
I reckon I best get this entry written before I run out of time. It's a quarter to nine here, and a wonderful day is coming to an end. Not yet, but closing in quickly.

I didn't have to work today, and didn't really plan much else, either. I had talked to my brother last week about going fishing today, if the weather was nice, and it was very nice today. He should have called, so when he didn't I assumed he had other things going on. I thought about calling him to see if he wanted to take the boat out for the afternoon, but then I decided against that idea. I didn't want to make him feel I would be disappointed if we didn't go out for the day.

So, after sleeping in until almost nine this morning I got up and enjoyed a couple cups of coffee with a lovely brunette, my wife. It was nice being able to relax and enjoy coffee and conversation with her. Normally I've been up a little after three in the morning and getting ready for work. We have not had this morning time together since last April.

Then, after some coffee, we did our Bible study, another thing we have had to put on hold quite often this summer. After our study we worked on making some lunch. This is also something we have missed this summer. I work mornings, she afternoons, and with her working most every day and me every single day, we have not had lunch together like this, again since last April.

We spent part of the afternoon putting screens back in the windows. We had removed them to put air conditioners in. Now, the days are comfortable, and the nights cool. It still gets a bit hot, and of course the house heats up even on the temperate days, so it's nice to open the windows and let a cooling breeze drift through. It's also nice to have the fresh air exchange.

After we had a couple screens in, we lie down and snuggled for an hour, enjoying an afternoon nap. I know, you thought it was going to get hot and heavy there, didn't you? Nope, we didn't do that, we snuggled into each other's arms and drifted off into a nice sleep. Only, being farm country here in South Dakota, and in the midst of harvest, living on the main road and right by the elevator, it gets a bit noisy with the windows open. We slept, but we were awakened some by loud trucks going by.

Even so, it was nice. I would wake slightly by the noise, and knowing what it was, snuggle up to the warmth beside me and enjoy drifting back into my slumber, only to repeat this a shot time later as another truck would pass. Just a relaxing nap, with thoughts of her sweet sugar plums drifting within my dreams. No, upon awakening we didn't do that. We cuddled more, kissing and snuggling and priming for that part later.

For now, we got up, took the two Golden Retrievers outside and played with them. Klarissa is getting old, has bad hips, and isn't very active anymore, but she enjoyed the sunshine and did trot after her ball a couple of times. Then she lie down and rolled around in the soft grass and warm sunshine.

Hyko couldn't get enough of it, and would have run himself into exhaustion given the chance. I knew Klarrisa's favorite is the Frisbee, even though she also loves to chase down a tennis ball and catch it. I suppose with her advancing age, she is disappointed, she cannot run fast enough or jump up to catch the ball anymore. I let her get out a ways and toss it gently so she can catch it, but  she still has difficulty catching.

But, when she saw her Frisbee, she perked right up and chased it down a few times before heading for the door. She is very good at letting me know when she has had enough, and I am respect her choice to quit when she gets tired. So I gave her a nice rub down on the grass while Rhonda and Hyko played. Then, I threw the Frisbee a few times for Hyko, too.

After they were both ready to come in, we put their toys up and worked on the last screen for the kitchen window. This one was pretty dirty, as was the window, so we tackled cleaning and putting the screen in together, then retired to the living room and enjoyed some quiet time talking and looking around online.

Now, she is on her computer while I type this out. When I finish we will eat a late and light supper, watch a spot of T.V. and then retire for the night. Of course, we will make time that~

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