Day to day stuff....a memoir without order. |
There is not much going on here except for heat, humidity, lawn mowing, and sweating. I am finished with it for another week, the grass that is. My daughter sent me some beautiful roses, pinks, yellows, and whites, day before yesterday, I was very surprised. She said she missed me. They have center stage on my mantle away from Mopsy's curious nose and lovable rubbing (and tipping). Erica is so happy to have a job. I love that girl! I have visited a couple critique pods associated with my local writers' group, and I find them very helpful, but no more helpful than right here on The only difference is they are in the "here and now" and wdc is floating through the airwaves. I am liking a little of both, but if I had to choose, hands down, wdc is the best! Because the pods I have visited are full (one tops out at seven people), another new person and I have met once to form a new pod. We plan to meet the last Monday of every month alternating at each other's home, and we are "advertising" for new members through the writing group. It is fun and a learning experience and, of course, there is a little chit-chat. Terri is a lot younger than I am, 51 I think, and divorced, but I find different is much better than the same . Also, it helps that she is very extroverted . And she is an artist, teaching a couple of classes at the local community college. How lucky am I? For our meetings, we email our stories (memoirs-4 to 5 pages double-spaced) three or four days ahead of our meeting. We bring the already critiqued and marked-up copy to the meeting. Each person reads his story first, then the other person goes over his suggestions and remarks. It is working very well so far but we need more people for our pod. I have signed up for a class at the same college at which Terri teaches. It starts next Tuesday and is on writing micro-fiction, stories less than 250 words. The book required is Micro Fiction by Jerome Stern, an anthology of really short stories. And my library volunteer coordinator has finagled (that might be too harsh a word) me into joining a book club also meeting on Tuesday will be a full day for me, but I look forward to both. Finally getting involved...a little... until next time...c |