Well, Today is not today now. It is tomorrow since it is 5:12 am. Any way I don't like foot ball, but I am going to watch it today. I love the family aspect of it with the brohter coaches going head to head. I could not imagine being that family today. I hope that the brothers were taught strong enough sportsman skills to handle the challenge. I am sure that they are. With all that is happening in this world, I love hearing about this event. Today the reporters were talking about the family. THey have a sister Allison. She had shared that sports was a family way of bonding. They all went to events together. Next I heard that their dad had been interviewed about his sons being rivals. He said that he would show emphy for the one that came up short and cheer for the victor. This may be a little thing compared to all the wars, killings, and bad weather in these United States, but I fell that it shines a little hope in these dim days. I don't see many siblings that stand with that kind of bond. I hope that my children will be able to stand with their brother even when they must act against each other in competition. My words are ways to leave peices of myself behind for my children.