A little bit of everything, colored my own way. |
THE PROMPT: "Blog. Tell us about your week. Include your favorite blog entry from your fellow challengers from the preceding week, and, most importantly, why." millershelly's entry "Invalid Entry" gets my nod this week. It's simple really...I've been through a few of these "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS" rodeos in my time. I've come across a bunch of cool people. What have I learned? For the most part, a lot of us are very much alike and often share a lot of the same feelings on a lot of topics. But every so often, a real "hot-button" issue comes up and sort of resonates a little louder than normal. And every so often, someone comes along with a viewpoint that isn't like everyone else's. I know the topic of gay marriage can be sensitive to some, for a variety of reasons. I tried to read as many entries as I could that day, just to get a feel for how others in the group thought of it. Shelly's was one of the first to sort of "stick out" to me in that hers was maybe the first I read that was in opposition to gay marriage. While I fundamentally disagree, I respect her entry and the way she went about it. I know others also have shared the same opinion as well; I chose this one for the material and examples, as well as the arbitrary fact that this was the first entry I came across that differed from my opinion. Ok...hopefully I've got time to at least get one more entry out of the way today as I attempt to catch up a little before falling behind again... |