Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/769851-Prologue
Rated: 18+ · Book · Supernatural · #1404645
Paranormal Romance Prologue.
#769851 added December 31, 2012 at 4:23pm
Restrictions: None
Ana lay, tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable. Once again she could not sleep. She tried everything she could to get to sleep and not one thing had any effect on her.

Every time she closed her eyes, a blob of color kept filling the darkness. It first appeared as a pinpoint of pixilation as if on a computer screen. She got a sense of spinning. Then it began to get bigger and the colors started to organize themselves into logical patterns to form an image as it swirled.

The swirling of the image made her head hurt as she tried to focus on it. She began to feel queasy, sat up in bed and fell over onto her side. Vertigo causing imbalance, she lay on her side, the room spinning wildly as a migraine blossomed. Strobes began dancing through her visual field. With each flash of light in the blackness of her bedroom, she felt sick to her stomach.

Chunks began to rise up in her throat, building up until she couldn’t breathe. She felt the chunks blocking her trachea, stopping the airflow and starving her lungs of life sustaining oxygen. Her throat spasmed and she put her hand over her mouth in an attempt to hold it back so she wouldn’t spew all over the bed.

She threw her legs over the side of the bed, stood up, took one step, sunk to the floor. The muscles in her legs were jell-o and her knees would not hold her weight, her head spun wildly and her stomach clenched so tight that it was painful. She realized the urgency of the need to throw up, to empty the contents of her stomach. Suddenly an image of him flashed through her mind and filled her vision.

The image was just after he woke from a sleep of exhaustion. His hair all tossled about, eyes clouded and blurred, skin creased from the way he slept on his side, hand under his cheek, movements slow and exaggerated. He looked at her, still clinging to dreams, his eyes distant and face, a mask of blank expression. It made him look like a little boy. He was so adorable when he looked like that. It made something inside her clench tight as her stomach began to flutter with a thousand bird wings.

The image faded, leaving behind a hole going right through the core of her. Her eyes began to regain their focus and she became aware of her surroundings. She laid on the floor two paces away from her bed. She didn’t remember anything after getting in bed. She knew she hadn’t lost consciousness, because that came with lightheadedness and a spacey feeling. She felt a feeling of confusion like a piece of the puzzle was missing.

She could not sleep again. It has been over a week now since she had slept. It had been a problem when she was a child. And then in high school, the dreaded curse of insomnia plagued her again. But now it had returned and with it, strange dreams.

         Through the years, these dreams became a source of comfort for her. They could never frighten her. Yet they did because an intense desire dwelled deep inside of her. Desire for what? She did not know.

         Only one dream really plagued her. Night after night, it remained the same, never changing in content. The only thing that changed was how it made her feel at the time. 

         It was one that she had since she was half a decade old and it felt like a past memory, something from the present and something of the future at the time. It was so strong that it took up residence within the core of her being. Depending on her mood, it also excited her. Above all, there was one thing that was a constant.

         The feel of him…

         He felt warm and inviting, like a summer’s day, bright with sunshine, inviting you to sit and bask in its delighted rays. A day where the temperature was so hot you could not stay out in it for more than five minutes. His arms meant safety, to her and made her feel comfortable, as though she cuddled in her favorite blanket.

         At times, she had a sense of a hand upon her, as though he had been there with her. And her skin prickled in a certain area sending shivers creeping down her spine and her heart raced. She could, physically, feel the touch and her brain went into shock at the sudden sensation of physical contact she got from her body and it made her tremble.

         The dream would make most people freak out. It did not frighten her in any way. But it did instill in her a strong sense of peace that gave her comfort when nothing and no one could. This peace had its roots deep inside her being, as though she were the container for this tree to grow in. It touched her in places she had no words for. It made her feel as if she did not truly know herself.

She tried to convince herself that it was just a fantasy. But try as she might, her heart kept arguing with her head. Are they real or just wistfulness? Am I showing the signs? She wondered, not knowing what to think.

         For twenty years, these dreams had subsided. But, now the insomnia had returned and the dreams plagued her anew, now worse than before...


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