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Rated: 18+ · Book · Erotica · #1899055
A collection of writings for the House of Sensual Prose class, Erotica Exposed.
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#763380 added October 22, 2012 at 3:28pm
Restrictions: None
S4A1: The Reunion
Bettye sauntered into the restaurant and sat down at the bar. It had been a long, grueling work week and she was glad it was Friday. What she wanted most right now was to relax and release some of the tension she was holding onto. She turned towards the bartender and asked for a hot buttered rum. Taking a sip, she let the warm, sweet nectar slide down her throat as the tension melted from her tight forehead.

“Aaaah,” she sighed as she closed her eyes and tilted her head back. “Now that’s what I’m talking about.”

She had just slipped into a soothing reverie when a gentle voice lulled her from her trance.

“Bettye? Bettye Lane?”

Bettye turned toward the sound and met the smoky eyes belonging to the voice.

“It’s me, Alton Kingston, class of “87” John Smith High School.”

Bettye’s eyes widened with surprise. It was Alton Kingston, all 6 feet of him, muscular and tan. She had never paid much attention to Alton in high school. He was just the goofy sidekick of class clown Ray Johnson. But a completely different man stood before her now. Dressed in a conservative black suit, he stood tall and confident. Her pulse quickened as she watched his eyes skim the length of her long, brown legs.

“It’s great to see you Alton. How have you been?”

“I’m doing very well, thanks. You’re still just as beautiful as you were in high school.”

“Thank you,” Bettye blushed looking into her drink and rimming the edge of the glass mug with her finger. “Join me for a drink,” she asked hopefully?

“I’d love to,” Alton beamed. “How can I turn down such an offer from the one girl every boy in high school had a crush on.”

“Oh stop,” she laughed sitting her drink on the bar. “I can’t believe every boy at John Smith had a crush on me. There were so many beautiful girls to choose from I hardly thought I was noticed.”

“Well believe it. It’s amazing to see you. Like fate don’t you think?”

“Yes, maybe it is fate.”

Bettye was feeling warm all over now, especially in her most sensitive places. She wasn’t sure if it was the rum or her present company, but she liked it. Her stress from earlier in the day was completely gone. She felt young and carefree as she and Alton talked at length about old times and what new things were happening in their lives.

Alton was absolutely fascinating. He had spent a few years studying in Africa and she was mesmerized by his tales of life in an African village. She felt strangely connected to him and loved how he leaned into her and touched her arm as he spoke. Each time he touched her, an electric heat pulsated throughout her body. She followed his every word and movement, relishing the joy of being alive that he instilled in her. She was so enthralled as the evening wore on that she couldn’t dare tell him she was getting tired. When he finally suggested they exchange numbers, Bettye was hopeful that this encounter would not be the last.

“Can I walk you to your car?”

“Yes, please do.”

When they reached her car Bettye asked Alton if he wanted to get out of the cold, night air for a moment and he agreed. She climbed into her car and Alton slid into the seat next to her.

“You know Bettye, this has been a wonderful evening for me. I haven’t been this excited by a woman since my grad school days. May I kiss you goodnight?”

Bettye didn’t answer verbally but instead leaned into him like an expectant child on Christmas morning. Her senses inflamed when his lips touched hers. They embraced one another like passionate lovers. Alton traced a sensuous line up her left thigh sending a delightful tingle through her. The smell of his cologne intensified her desire as he nuzzled her ears and neck.

Bettye was trembling with anticipation as she placed a shaking hand on his broad chest. Alton had already found the soft, moist spot between Bettye’s thighs when she let a deep moan escape her throat. She arched her body into his as he caressed her tenderly. She threw her head back and cried out his name when she had reached the height of her ecstasy.

They sat still for a moment, breathing in unison. Bettye looked longingly into Alton’s eyes and spoke the first words.

“Will you call me tomorrow?”

“I’ll call you tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that. I’ll keep calling you until you tell me to stop.”

Bettye smiled with contentment. Finally, a man who made her feel alive and vibrant and the feeling was mutual.
© Copyright 2012 ErinLynn (UN: erinlynn1969 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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