Announcements pertaining to Writing.Com! |
Greetings Members, In traversing back through "Suggestion Box" , I came across the Insert WritingML tag, which I see was never mentioned outside the forum. So, I wanted to more formally introduce it here! The Insert tag allows you to insert a Static Item into another item, email, book entry, forum post, etc. This is useful when you need to include the same "stuff" in a lot of places. Group leaders may find it useful to help keep navigation amongst various pages up to date and centralized. Authors may find it useful for creating navigation within their portfolio items. I'm sure the uses will be interesting and varied. Usage: {insert:#######} where ####### is a Static Item's ID number. Some small caveats: The insert item must be a static item. The static item must be in your portfolio (it can be public or private, doesn't matter). It requires that you have an Upgraded Membership or above. It will not work in Campfire items. It's not yet in the WritingML documentation! It's been in the system for a long long time, just undocumented and unannounced... We do use it in a few documentation places within Writing.Com and it was previously released in "Suggestion Box" . It hasn't been thoroughly vetted it for a full release, so please do let us know if you run into any troubles. Write on, ~~SM |